21: Quiet

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A few moments of silence pass and you feel your throat close up. Here was no way you would put yourself out there yet, but you didn't want to screw this up. "Darling. I'm not in any way angry. I just want to be your safe person."

You feel your shoulders relax but you still feel weird. "I've never done anything like this. Had someone that I care for and want to protect and cherish so much." You turn around to face Pan after his confession. "Really?" He nods. As you sit quietly you feel more memories bubbling up. The stars peek out and you look up, the turn facing Pan, his eyes already studying your face. He opens his arms and you let your self settle in between his legs, pulling a blanket over you both.

"Joseph said that. Then some other things that- that screwed me up a bit." You take a breath, Pan's arms circling you, making you feel grounded enough to open the past. "Many women get told that stuff- I guess it's just that it was the first time I'd ever had something like that." Peter puts his head on your shoulder. "He was- he was kind. Then after a while he started saying things behind my back. I knew it wasn't going well but I was- stupid. I told him I loved him and he told me what a bitch and whore I was. He laughed and said he never liked me in the first place." Pan's arms tighten around you, the silence almost drowning you.

"I can't trust people very much, despite wanting connection. I don't want to mess things up." He leans up from the pile of cushions and kisses your temple before resting his head on your shoulder. "I'm here. I'm here for the long run. As long as you want me." For the first time you have talked about Joseph, you feel the wound healing just a bit, a soft balm shielding you from the betrayal. You tilt your head and kiss his cheek. Putting your arms over his you both watch the stars.

After a while you feel yourself becoming drowsy. "Peter?" You whisper, silence follows. Turning around you smile wide when you see him sleeping and bathed in moonlight. Pulling the blanket up higher you quietly shuffle to his side, wrapping your arms around him. "Night Pancake. Sweet dreams." As you close your eyes and hear a murmured reply. Huffing you turn your face away from his side. A light chuckle follows before you feel a kiss on your nose. "Sweet dreams." You hum and feel him go to sleep, tiredly you watch the moon. It's blue rays soothing your heart.

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