13: Realisations

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Scooping y/n up I flash us back to camp. "FELIX. get over here!!" I never have to raise my voice- but I'm not in control right now. "Yes Pan?" Felix swears when he sees y/n's bloody pant leg. "Get the herbs." Felix nods and I flash away to my hut. Laying y/n down I hover beside her ear. "I'm going to use some very strong herbs to seal your wound for good ok?" I watch y/n nod weakly. I go to move away but get stopped at a small tug on my shirt. I should never have brought her here- because if she decides to leave I'll loose the love of my life.

Your pov:
As Pan lowers you onto the bed you surprise yourself as you grasp his shirt, not letting him leave you. You met this gaze and find something different there, but through your haze of pain you can't decode it. All you know is that you've pretty much liked him from the start. Through all your banter and his attempt at keeping you at a distance you've only liked him more. He's always treated you with kindness and respect, being strangely caring and everything about him feels like home. Before you fall unconscious from the pain you feel a warm shift in your heart. Love.

Peter's pov:
As i move her hand into mine and take up a seat next to her I kiss her forehead. "Not long to go Darling." When I don't get a response I feel my heart beating a million miles an hour, she's out cold from the pain. "FELIX!!!" I yell. As he bursts through the door with a fistful of herbs and magical plants I kick him out and wrap y/n's leg to slow the bleeding before working tirelessly for hours until I hold up a few drops of one of the rarest medicines of all the realms. Moonshade. Able to cure any injury from any poison, and my own concoction- requiring a single thread of my shadow.

Walking over to where y/n lies I gently part her lips, dropping the potion into her mouth. After waiting a few minutes I breath a sigh of relief as colour returns to her pale cheeks, the potion rapidly producing the lost blood. Slowly removing the leg wrap, I watch as the last seams of the wound painlessly stitch together, leaving the faintest of scars. "Pancake?" I whip my head around and smile unabashed when I see her confused face.

"Don't worry darling. It's all healed now..." as I walk back up to the head of the bed I experience something unfathomable. I feel weak. I watch as y/n lunges towards me as I collapse on the floor.

Your pov:
"Pancake?" Wondering where Peter is you call out your nickname for him, you blush when you spot him smiling at you. As he walks towards you you frown as you see him wobbling on his feet. "Peter!" Lunging for him you catch him and lay his head in your lap, his eyes closed and face blank.

"FELIX!" Shrieking for you friend you kiss Peter's forehead, looking up you see Felix tearing into the room, weapons drawn. "Y/n!! Are you o...k?" "Felix. He's I don't know- it's like he just fell asleep or something." You watch as Felix drops to his knees across from you and scooches closer. "We need to go and find TinkerBell."

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