4: Deal

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As you emerge back into consciousness you groan and open your eyes. A blazing campfire surrounded by Lost Boys doing everything from weapon making to dinner preparation stands before you. "Glad to see you're awake sweetheart." Turning to your left you frown as a boy with green eyes and brown hair smiles at you.

"Let me guess...you're Peter Pan?" You stay impassive as he quirks an eyebrow at you. "Observant love." "Don't call me that." As you stand up you get hit with a wave of dizziness and almost fall, only to be caught by Pan. "Careful pirate." Shoving off him you steady yourself before mock saluting him.

"As much of a vibe you've got going on here- I think I better get back to my ship." Without a second thought you turn around and tear off into the jungle. When you reach the beach all the fuzziness has dissipated and you reply your interaction with Pan. Why was his voice so....familiar? Just as you realise he flashes before you.

"Impressive, but useless I'm afraid." Ignoring him you start pacing. "If you're the voice from the dream then...You created the portal didn't you!" You stop and glare at him. "As flattered as I am that you dream of me, I'm glad you recognise my brains love." Sighing with exasperation you growl at him. "Don't call me that! It's weird." He just looks at you strangely before clearing his throat and assuming a cocky expression.

"What shall it be then?" You think. "My name is y/n. Do you really want a nickname though?" You watch as he chuckles. "Of course I need one." Thinking for a moment you decide to play his game. "Alright. You can call me darling- on one condition." After thinking for a moment he nods. "I get to call you Pancake." You grin as his face falls. "That's the deal sweet-cheeks." You watch in satisfaction as he rolls his eyes before squaring his shoulders. "Deal. Now darling- let's go back to camp for some food shall we?" You discreetly shuffle your feet into a fighting stance.

"You kidnapped me! Why would I go with you?" You feel you panic as your situation hits you and you clench your fists tightly. "I promise I will let you go, I just need you here for a while. Would you consent to that y/n?" Shocked you think for a second. For the first time you've met him, Peter Pan doesn't have a smug expression or a bad nickname- but he is still Peter Pan. "If i stay- I don't play by your rules. And no harm comes to my father." You watch closely as he slips back into his smug facade. "I would expect nothing less of you darling." Feeling your gut telling you he's playing at something you follow him back towards camp. Keeping your fists closed.

Darling  (OUAT Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now