19: What a Night

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As Pan plays his pipes you notice Sebastian and some other Lost Boys grab their instruments and clap them together, jumping and twirling around the fire alongside you and Wendy. The higher the moon rises the faster you all dance.


"Y/n- shall we take a break?" You let Wendy pull you from the dancing circle and onto a log across from Pan. After a few minutes the music stops and the Lost Boys start preparing a fresh boar for the fire. "I'll catch you later Wendy." She nods her head before going over to the younger Lost Boys, showing them new herbs for dinner. Standing up you stretch your back and sigh. Glancing over in Pan's direction you shake your head at yourself. Here goes nothing.

Walking over to him watching his Lost Boys you clear your throat. As he turns around his scowl melts into a playful expression. "Darling." You ignore your blush- your mission in the forefront of your mind. "Let's go talk." Not giving him an option you grab his hand and pull him just outside the camp. Turning back to face him you roll your eyes at his smirk. Letting his hand go, you mirror his position- arms crossed. "Wipe that smirk off your face. This is serious ok?" Pan quickly sobers, his face the picture of open curiosity.

"A sleeping curse can only be broken by a true loves kiss. TinkerBell said something about a prophecy. It honestly seems like the universe is telling us to look at what we have. We've already been through some stuff and I know there is lots more to learn about each other, but despite everything.." the more you talk the more you feel your confidence wane. Glancing down you take a steadying breath, your hands dropping to your sides. "I want to give us a shot. Part of being free means giving love a chance. No matter who it's with. I know that an opportunity like this doesn't come along often, and-" you stop when Pan takes your hands in his. "Darling. I- I want to give us a shot to. I wanted you to have the space and freedom to choose to give us a shot."

You smile and look in Pan's eyes, the well of feelings there immeasurably deep. "I'm all for us." His face blooms into a bright smile. "I am to, and I'm all for taking this slow and to getting to really know each other without any interruptions." You feel something relax in your chest, his understanding of your past putting you at ease. "Well then." You stand up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "Y/n." You pull back and smile shyly at the blush on his face. He leans down and kisses your nose. "Let's go back to the fire then shall we?" You nod and let him put an arm over your shoulders, hugging you to his side.

As you enter camp together a wave of shouts and whistles ensue. "I believe we have found the match of this adventure." You snort at Devin's commentary. Seb and Wendy walk over to you both with plates full of warm food. Wendy gives you a wink. As you and the group sit together Felix walks up and joins along with Cubby and the others. As you all eat and talk, you can't help but smile every time you remember that Pan is right by your side.

After a few hours most boys have hit the hay. Yawning you wrap an arm around your middle. "Tired darling?" You nod, nervous as to what the sleeping arrangements would be for tonight. "I'll walk you to your tent then." You chuckle and say goodnight to Felix and the remaining Lost Boys. At your tent you kiss Pan on the cheek again, and he wraps his arms around you. After your hug he pecks your nose. "Sweet dreams Pancake." Smiling and shaking his head Pan wishes you goodnight. "See you tomorrow." As you change into your pyjamas you go to bed with a warm tingling all over your body.

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