10: Mysteries

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Without saying anything you peel back the blanket and swing yourself around into a sitting position, trying not to inhale to sharply at the pain. "I'm going to camp ok?" Before you give Pan a chance to reply you try standing up, gingerly putting weight on your leg. "Here." Looking at Pan you blink when you spot a smooth wooden cane in his outstretched hand. "Thanks."

Mumbling you accept the cane and hobble out of the hut. You hate this whole thing. The way you aren't even scared of Neverland. How these stupid butterflies in your stomach flutter at every interaction you have with Peter Pan. How you don't mind Pan. The nicknames. The happiness you feel here. Having friends, and not having to answer to a bunch of pirates that can get handsy when drunk and your father isn't around. The thing you hate most is that you know you should hate all of it.

Sighing you pause and lean on a tree beside the pathway. Glancing down you frown when you spot a small rolled up piece of paper. Leaning down slowly you pick it up and unravel it. Only to see....Peter? What??? Shaking your head at the blush on your cheeks you tuck away the paper and sternly remind yourself of what happened last time. Stupid y/n. Hobbling off again you round a corner and enter camp.

"Y/n!! You're ok! HEY EVERYONE Y/N's OK!!" You smile at Devin. Sebastian runs up to you, easing away your cane and propping you up himself. "Let's get you seated yeah? Pan wouldn't let us visit- apparently we're to loud." You chuckle at him. As Sebastian gets you seated and puts your cane next to you Felix walks up. "Glad you're alright." You peer up at him, causing him to glance away. "Thanks Felix." You chuckle as his face goes red. While you sit talking with Devin and Seb the Lost Boys come up in small groups to introduce themselves and congratulate you.

<time skip>

"Sebastian we have to go feed the prisoner." The group of Lost Boys that had grown considerably in the last hour collectively groaned. "Who's the prisoner??" Devin looks over at you. "We don't know her very well. But her name is Wendy."

*Wendy's last name is not Darling in this story.*

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