18: Space

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Snapping your eyes open you shoot up from the bed, the quick motion almost giving you vertigo. I got captured by my father and FELL ASLEEP WITH PETER PAN- and it was one of the best sleeps of my life. Choosing to ignore your last thought you scold yourself for being stupid. Looking down you see Pan's arm around your waist and his still sleeping face. Needing some air you grab a pillow and slide out- replacing your body with the cushion. Quickly unlatching the door you slip out as quietly as you can. Shoving your hands into your pockets you walk off into the jungle, wanting some time to get out of your own head.


"Y/n?" You jump at the sound of Sebastian's voice. "Hey Seb. What's up?" He gives you a funny look. "Just grabbing some firewood. It's bloody cold though." You stroll over to him. "Want help?" He nods and smiles at you. "We know about the fire by the way." You freeze. "What?" Sebastian stops picking up wood and looks you dead in the eyes. "TinkerBell told us like 300 years ago." You laugh. "She's something else isn't she?" Sebastian laughs to. "Yeah, but I just wanted to say that we don't mind or anything." You smile. "Then I guess I can do this." Concentrating hard you conjure a flame in your palm, gently letting it float in between you and Sebastian. He immediately rubs his hands together and holds them out to the warmth.
"Y/n- you rule." Laughing you pick up firewood as Sebastian warms up. "Can I ask your advice Seb?" He nods and waits supportively for your question. "If you had a chance at true love after being majorly screwed over before, would you take it?" Standing with a pile of logs tucked under one arm you wait patiently as Sebastian thinks. "Honestly? I would be shit scared. I think I'd go for it eventually. If you are by any chance talking about a certain British boy- I could by circumstance add that I know he cares very deeply about a certain pirate." You smile gratefully at Seb. "But if Pan isn't down- I'm happy to be the backup." You both stare at each other before he laughs, you chuckle and shake your head. "I would be honoured to be your backup if I wasn't-" he stops himself.

Quirking an eyebrow you wait for him to continue. "Seb- you're pretty much a brother. You can tell me whatever it is." He looks around quickly before stepping close to you and cupping his hands over your ear. "I'm into guys too." You turn to face him. "Thanks for telling me. If it helps to know- I've kissed a girl." You watch his face break out into a relived smile. "Tell no one for now ok?" You nod. "I haven't told anyone either. It was a festival in Arendell, and I don't have any regrets." He winks. "If we both happen to be single in 400 years we could always move in together." You nudge his shoulder. "Deal." Extinguishing the fireball you both chat about nothing as you haul as much firewood as you can back to camp.


"Wendy! I haven't seen you for ages!" Running across camp you two hug before she wiggles her eyebrows at you. "So- how was last night?" You grumble at her eager question. "Wendy. Nothing happened! We just went to sleep." You curse yourself when you hear your mistake. Never in your life have you been able to fall asleep with another person.

"Y/n! Don't dare tell me that was nothing! You need to open your eyes and your caged little heart." Gasping in mock shock you clutch a hand to your chest. "You words wound me." She laughs. As you two, talk music winds it's way through the camp as night falls. Looking around for the source you see Pan across the fire. As you meet his eyes you grab Wendy's hand and you both start dancing.

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