17: Rescue & Rest

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Grabbing the top of the chair you hold it in your hands, as the pirate clomps closer you pray you have enough strength left for this to work. As the lock on the door clicks, light floods your cell and you swing the chair towards Mr. Smee's head, only for him to duck and shimmer, leaving Peter in his place.

"Bloody hell!! What in the second star were you going to do with that?" Peter's concerned voice whisper yells. "I don't know! Hit him as hard as I could?!" You whisper yell right back. "Y/n? Pan?" You both turn to Wendy. "How did you get free of the squid ink?" You turn around to face Pan again. "Sebastian pretended to be me and didn't show his face- I was on my way to camp when I found him." You nod.

Lowering the chair down you feel blood trickle down onto your fingers from the deep cuts in your wrists. Pan spots them and walks over to you. "Can I heal them for you Darling?" You shake your head. "Can I bind them?" You nod and look away as Pan magics bandages and wraps your wrists tenderly.

"How are we getting out of here?" You think as Wendy peers around the door. As Peter finishes bandaging your wrists you thank him quietly. He nods and holds your hand as you both creep up beside Wendy. The hull of the Jolly Roger was empty. "I recon we teleport out." You feel you throat constrict. Before you can overthink Peter squeezes your hand gently.

"Wendy. I agree but I need to know why my father suddenly turned like this. It's not- it's just wrong." Wendy looks back at you. "Wouldn't it be safer to ask TinkerBell? Your dad turned pretty violent. We don't want to be on this ship when it leaves Neverland." A sick feeling sinks to the bottom of your stomach, the urgency of the situation hitting you. "Ok. Let's get out of here."

As Pan grips you and Wendy, the world blurs around you, everything spinning until you come to a standstill on the beach. As you all look out to sea you watch the Jolly Roger dip into a whirlpool, leaving Neverland for good. "Narrow miss." You try and laugh with Wendy but a strangled sound of grief and exhaustion comes out instead. "Darling, shall I take us back to your tent or my hut?" Not wanting to be alone right now you speak decidedly. "Hut." Wendy nods at you turning to leave, you quickly grab her hand. "Thanks for the daring rescue. It was stupidly brave." She smiles at you. "I think that's just the tip of the iceberg." Stepping back into Pan he wraps an arm around you, holding you to his side. Closing your eyes briefly you feel his teleportation spell working.

The second you arrive in Pan's hut you relax, everything fuzzing out from days of exhaustion. Swaying on the spot you cover your mouth with a yawn, Peter's arm anchoring you. "Let's sleep Darling." Rubbing your eyes you murmur in agreement. Pan gently picks you up bridal style and you let your head rest on his shoulder. Placing you on the bed you let your eyes flutter shut, Peter slides in next to you, magicking your boots off and pulling a blanket over you both. You shuffle up close to Peter and cuddle into his chest. "Darling?" His voice is quietly surprised but you're to tired to care. "Sh." You whisper. Pan just wraps one arm around you, running circles over your back. The soothing sensation sending you off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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