27: Repercussions

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Soft sheets and muttered voices. As you wake up you yawn, your body aching and exhausted. Running your tough over your cracked lips you stare at your hands, a strange emptiness in your heart following. "Y/n." Looking up in surprise you see Felix walking in with a pitcher of water. "Thank god." You frown at him. "What's wrong? I saved the Island right?" Felix nods but walks over to the bedside table, placing down the pitcher. "It's been a week. You came back really sick." You suck in a breath.

"But..." Felix just shakes his head. "I was ordered to get Pan the second you woke up. It's the first time he's left this bloody room all week." You smile weakly. A week. Seven fucking days. Asleep. Despite the usual weather you feel cold, a shiver creeping up your spine. Drawing your knees together you hug yourself. Why am I so cold?

"Y/n." You look up from the bed and see Pan, his face worn and looking like he'd see a ghost. "Hey." He flashes, appearing beside you and wrapping his arms around you. "Pancake-" he just shakes his head and burrows it further into your neck. "I thought I'd lost you." You push him back and cup his face. "I told you you never loose me didn't I?" He laughs shakily and you brush a thumb over his cheek as a tear escapes his eye. "What happened?" He takes your hands and kisses them. "TinkerBell visited when you first arrived in your coma state. She said that in order to unfreeze the Island you would have used up all your magic. She said you would most likely die." You reel back. "So I'm powerless?" Pan meets your eyes, a grim look on his face.

Concentrating on your hands you feel the emptiness inside you expand, and instead of flames you just feel colder. "Peter....it gone. It's all gone." You let him hug you again, tears streaking down your cheeks. "I'd just found a place to except me and use them and now it's like I'm empty." He hugs you tighter. "I'm so sorry darling." You just cry, letting out all the stress and grief for a part of yourself that was gone.


After an hour of cuddles and getting warm and whispered comforts you both walk into camp. Before you can blink every Lost One has crowded you, hugging you and thanking you. After a few minutes you begin to feel claustrophobic so Pan growls at them all. Scattering, only Wendy, Sebastian and Devin are left. You smile when you see Wendy and Devin ok. "Thank you, you saved us all." You laugh. "Now hopefully we can relax for a few days." Silence meets your words. "What?" Peter smiles at you. "Darling, you're the Queen remember?" You frown. "But that was when we honestly all thought I was going to die." Pan trembles and Sebastian looks away, brushing some 'dirt' out of his eye.

"We can only love you more y/n. And we'd all love a break." You smile gratefully at Devin for the light hearted comment. "Then let's relax for today." Devin winks and runs off to spread the news.

Sitting down on a log you shuffle closer to the fire, the ache in your body diminishing the warmer you get. Suddenly a warm feeling surrounds your back and shoulders, Pan's jacket fresh and warm ensconcing you. "Thanks Pancake." You then stare into the fire for the rest of the day, Wendy quietly sitting by your side, trying to figure out what to do with these splintered parts of yourself.

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