7: Slumber

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After dinner you can feel yourself loosing your battle with exhaustion. Standing up from Sebastian and Devin you walk over to Pan and tap his shoulder. "What's the matter darling?" You stifle a yawn. "Where am i sleeping? Im super tired." You watch as he smiles kindly at you before plastering on a smirk. "You can sleep in my hut with me if you want." You wrinkle your nose.
"No offence but no way in hell." He just laughs. "Then I'll get you your own tent Darling."

"Thanks. I'll just say goodnight to the others." Jogging back over to Seb and Devin you yawn again. "Looks like I'm heading off to my tent now- wherever that is. The dinner was great Seb, catch you both tomorrow." They get up and say goodnight to, until Pan comes over as you rub your eyes, becoming unsteady with fatigue. "Come on Darling."

Gently taking your arm he guides you down a small track into a secluded clearing filled with varying sizes of tents, pots and pans strewn about at well as the occasional hut. Walking you over to one tent close to the edge of the clearing you smile when you spot a little skull and crossbones that had been sewn onto the top of the flaps.

"I've spelled it so no one else can come in ok?" Surprised by the thoughtfulness of the whole ordeal you turn around and give Pan a tired smile. "Thanks Pancake." Before you realise what you're doing you give him a quick kiss on the cheek. As you turn around and head into the tent you fail to notice a faint blush covering Peter's face.

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