22: Hunting

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After you and Pan had woken up you had talked about nothing before walking back to camp. After freshening up you had parted ways and found Wendy.


"So....how was last night?" You scowl at her. "Wendy. I love you- but somethings are just for me." She gives you a suggestive smile. "No not like that!" She laughs and you laugh too, until a cough sounds behind you. "Y/n? Want to come hunting?" You stop and turn around to Felix. "Sure, wanna come Wendy?" She shakes her head. "I'm going to go practice archery." You nod and stand up, walking into the jungle with Felix. "So where will we-" you gasp as your foot gets pulled out from beneath you and yanked up by a rope. "Felix?! What the hell!" Felix just stares blankly at you. "Felix! Can- are you hearing me?" You grow concerned as he just stands there. Pulling out a dagger you slice the rope, dropping to the ground. Walking up to Felix you move a hand across his face. "Shit." You freak as a blue tinge creeps across his skin, his lips turning slowly purple. Panicking you fire up your hands and cup his face. "Felix! Snap out of it!" You frown in concentration as his frozen skin hisses against your heated hands. "Bloody hell." His face stops turning blue but it doesn't go away. "Boys!" You yell as loud as you can, hoping someone from camp will hear you. After a few minutes of yelling Cubby rounds the corner. "What's goin' on?" You grit your teeth as you make sure your hands stay hot. "Go find Pan, something's happened to Felix." He nods and scurries off.

Ten minutes later Pan and most of the Lost Boys arrive in the clearing, coming back from the island patrol. "Y/n? What are you doing?" You don't open your eyes, the concentration taking over. "Saving. Your. Best. Friend." You grit out. As Pan walks over to inspect he nudges you and you open your eyes. "He's blue! Cubby saw! I've been here for hours keeping him warm!" Everyone looks at you quizzically. "Y/n. He looks fine to me. He's just not moving, he's being an ass." You look closer at him and still see purple lips and light blue skin. "Come here." Grabbing Pan's hand you push it to Felix's face and watch his face twist in surprise. "He's Ice cold!" You sigh. "No shit." He kisses your nose. "Sorry darling." You call the rest of the boys over and have them touch Felix's forehead, each of them stepping back shocked at their first in command. "What do we do?" You and Pan glance at each other before surveying the worried group of boys. "We hunt for a cure I guess." As the Lost Boys carry Felix quickly to the fire you walk over to Pan. "Sorry for not believing you- it's hard to hear that your best friend could be sick." You kiss his cheek and lean forward into him. "It's ok Pancake. At least you let me show you." He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. "Thanks for keeping him warm." You snuggle closer to him. "Course. He's one of my friends to. I think." You smile when he chuckles a bit. "Let's go figure out what to do." You sigh and push off him. "Ok." He laughs at your reaction and you elbow him before grabbing his hand without thinking and walking into camp.

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