25: Cure

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"What now?" You smile at Pan and take his hand, continuing to walk away from camp. "We have to work out what the heart of Neverland is. You know the island best- what do you think it is?" You jolt backwards when Pan stops abruptly.

"Peter?" You look back at him and wince. His face is resigned. "I know where it is." You wait for him to continue. "Peter? I can't save everyone unless I know where to go." His fist clenched by his side. "I don't want to show you." You frown. "You could die! I don't want you to die." You sigh and hug him. "We don't know that for sure ok? I've survived my father, woken you from a sleeping curse and traveled realms. You are Peter Pan and are feared by most. We are going to both survive this. But..." you stop when Pan squeezes you tighter. "I was going to say but I'd love to spend the day with you. We just can't avoid everything and do nothing." He let's out a breath and pulls back, staring into your eyes. "Ok. But just us for an entire day." You smile and nod. "Deal." You feel your heart squeeze when he teases you with the first deal you struck with him. "Let's go to the lagoon." You don't let go of his hand as he flashes you into a secluded cove.


After talking for hours he conjures three red roses. "What are these for?" He smiles and blushes, looking away. "Our three week anniversary." You gently move his face to look at you. "Thank you Pancake, I got you something to." He frowns and you laugh. "Here." You pull out your favourite dagger and hand it to him. Forged onto the blade is a small drawing of a stack of pancakes. You watch his face frown in confusion. "What are they?" You glide his thumb over the design. "I went to a realm and these are Pancakes. A popular breakfast meal. They are light and fluffy and delicious." You look up at him in hope and kiss his jaw when you see him smiling wide. "You said they are delicious?" You mock frown. "Did I? I can't recall. I guess I'll have to find out..." you both kiss again, deeper than before. "Wow." After a few beats you both laugh.

The sun blazes fiery red and the waters of the lagoon glitter. "We should probably be getting back to camp." You grunt and lean into him. "Why?" You close your eyes and relax as he plays with your hair. "Because we have a big day tomorrow. And I want to talk island security with Fayde." You sigh and stand up. "Fine. Let's go." He chuckles and conjures a leather belt, tucking your dagger into it and securing it around his waist. "C'mon Darling." He takes your hand and flashes you back to camp.

"Y/n! Pan! Where were you both?" Devin quiets when Pan gives him a stern look. "We were spending a day together." Devin smirks and you kiss Pan's cheek before walking over to your friends. As you catchup and have dinner, the three roses slowly wilt away. Looking down you gasp when the flowers disappear. "What happened to my flowers?" All the boys and Wendy look around the fire. You hunt around in to dirt next to your seat and find a rose shaped ruby on a chain. "Oh my god." Picking it up you hold it against the firelight, making the gemstone sparkle. "Like it Darling?" Looking over the necklace chain you gape at Peter. "You slippery little...!" He laughs and appears behind you, brushing your hair off your neck. "Can I put it on?" You hand him the ends of the pendant and he clips them, moving your hair back into place. Without thinking you hug him, and he hugs back. "Awww! Softies!" You both glower at Wendy and sit down, the group watching you both happily.

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