5: Deal (#2)

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It's so weird seeing her in person and I don't even know her name yet. When I hear her move I glance over to her and watch as she wakes up. "Glad to see you're awake sweetheart."

I hate this- but it's the only way I know she won't want to fall in love with me, and the only way I can try to make sure she doesn't get close enough for me to fall in love with. I'm surprised when she immediately notices who I am.

As we talk I can already tell I'll never forget the sound of her voice. As I continue to try and keep up my jerky facade I can't help but smile when she talks about the camp, then I blink and she's gone- only disturbed bushes in her wake.

"Want me to get her back?" I frown as Felix walk up to me, staring in the direction y/n ran off to. "No. She's a guest here. I'll get her." After waiting a few minutes I flash down to the beach. When I come face to face with her it's crazy how fierce she looks in the moonlight. As I comment on her escape attempt I watch as she ignores me, completely in her own thoughts.

"Darling?" I've wanted to call her that from the start- but she still doesn't hear me. Suddenly she exclaims and talks about dreaming of my voice. I had no idea the prophecy was this powerful. "As flattered as I am that you dream of me I'm glad you recognise my brains love." I hate that she's already angry at me, but if I want to keep distance I have to keep being annoying.

As we negotiate nicknames I think I'm making headway until she challenges to call me pancake. I know I'll never hear the end of it but I'm already not sure I could ever say no to her. "Deal- now darling let's go back for some food shall we?" I watch as she gets ready for a fight, not opening her hands once.

I can see her panic so I quickly use her name, savouring it. "I promise i will let you go, I just need you here for a while. Would you consent to that y/n?" I don't know why but it's important that she stays here willingly. After she bargains again I feel slightly better about this whole thing. As we walk back to camp I can't help feeling like she's already seeing through my persona, and that this prophecy is already working it's magic.

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