11: Wendy

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"Can I see her?" Felix and Sebastian share a look before Felix shrugs. "Fine." Grabbing your cane you slowly follow Felix and Sebastian out of camp and down a windy trail. "Here we are." Glancing up you stare at the hanging bamboo cages. Before you can ask, one slowly lowers towards the ground.

Hopping forward you wait until it touches the ground before opening the cage. Wendy is curled up with her eyes closed. "W- Wendy?" Opening her eyes Wendy stares at you. "Go away Shadow. I'm not in the mood for games. Who are you this time anyway?" You feel your heart sinking. How long had she been here? "Wendy. It's not Shadow. It's y/n. From London, remember?" Slowly you crouch down as best you can. "Take my hand Wendy."

"What do you think you're doing??" You turn your head and glare at Felix. "Helping my best friend. Don't try to stop me." Felix just hold up his hands in surrender. "Y-Y/n? It's really you? You look older." You smile. "And you haven't aged a day." Helping her out of the cage she stands by your side, helping prop you up. "Back to camp. Come on." You frown when Wendy shakes her head.

"You go Felix." Felix opens his mouth but Sebastian jumps in first. "Hey Wendy. I hope you had a good sleep? I'll make sure no one knows you're out." Wendy relaxes and you slowly make your way through the jungle together- away from a cranky Felix.

*trigger warning: panic attack symptoms to the end of this part*

After a few hours of walking you and Wendy settle down on the beach. "What happened to you?" You ask Wendy gently. "A few nights after you left the Shadow came to my window asking where you where. I said I wouldn't tell so it took me here. I wasn't always in the cage. I befriended most of the Lost Boys, but a few months ago, I failed a hunt. You know I'm not good at that stuff. I'm better at cooking- not hunting. So Pan put me in here." Your heart sinks at Wendy's story.

"Wendy- that's not ok. What do you want to do now that you're out? Because there is no way in hell I'll let them put you back." Wendy smiles gratefully at you. "I want to go home to my brothers. It will be a shame to leave Sebastian though. He, Devin and Cubby have always visited when Pan was busy." You nod, grateful that Sebastian and Devin had had Wendy's back. "What happened to you though?" You look away for a moment. Thinking.

"Well. After spending that time together in London, we kept travelling realms until about a week ago we arrived here. Pan isn't keeping me prisoner which is a surprise, and it's nice to be around people that don't just leave me alone because my father is the captain. It's weird. I'm only half missing dad. It's nice to have friends as well." You look up and laugh at Wendy's incredulous face. "Pan likes you." You
stop laughing as your anxiety spikes.

"Wendy. Please don't say that. Not after Joseph." "Y/n. I know how much he hurt you ok? But love doesn't stop for you just because he was faking the whole thing." You clench your fists, you embarrassment adding to your anxiety. "Wendy! I said I LOVED HIM. And he laughed." You curl in on yourself. "He just stood there and laughed." Wendy's moves to your side and hugs you, when she lifts her head she gasps.

"Y/n..." turning around you panic at who stands there. Peter. His face is vulnerable and his brow furrowed. "I- I didn't, Felix said-" you just stand up, ignoring the searing pain from your wound you run away from everything. Peter. Wendy. Your past. Your feelings. The faster the run the more your leg hurts and the more your heart races, blood roaring in your ears, tears appearing in your eyes. Suddenly your leg gives out on you, forcing you to drop to the ground. Dragging yourself up against a nearby rock you try and be quiet as tears stream down your cheeks, your lungs struggling to breath. Closing your eyes tight you drop your hands onto the dry leaves cushioning the clearing.

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