28: Light In The Dark

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"Morning y/n." Yawning you nod at Felix and walk over to the breakfast table. "Hey Wendy. Want to go to the lagoon today?" She nods and you smile, grabbing your breakfast and sitting away from the fire. The last few days you had spent mostly alone, so your invitation was a hopeful beginning for Wendy.

"Hello Peter." He sighs and walks from behind you. "Morning y/n. How are you feeling today?" You ponder a moment. "The same. Empty. But I'm going to the lagoon with Wendy so that will be a good distraction." Peter had been devastated for you after learning of your powers, and had been there as long as you needed him. During the day you preferred to be alone, so he would walk you to your tent as night. A good time to talk and spend a bit of time together.

"Will the rest of the boys be allowed to join? I know Sebastian and Devin have missed you." You shrug. "Sure. I hope you'll come to." You could tell Peter was ecstatic. "Of course I'll be there." You smile and then vague out again. Most of the day you would hike up to the heart of the island, just sitting by the water. You had no regrets about what you did, you just had to work out what this heavy feeling was.

Screams rip you from your daze. "What the hell- Peter!" He appears beside you with a worried frown. "Boys! Ambush!" You feel a hand gently hold your own and you squeeze it back. "You feel ready for another adventure darling?" You glance at him, his earnest gaze melting your heart. "Let's do it." Smiling you both appear near the screams. Pulling out your sword you let go of Pan and creep closer. "No." Battling a small troop of Lost Boys was your father, and his crew. Suddenly you can't breath, I don't want to go back, don't let them take me back. As if hearing your thoughts Pan kisses your cheek and stands from your viewpoint in the bushes. "Captain. You should never have returned. I'll have your shadow for this." Hook just barks a laugh. "I don't care weather I live or die. I just need to make sure  y/n is dead" At his threatening words the rest of the hidden Lost Boys surround the pirates. Standing,  you call out to him. "Why would you want that father." Spitting the last word you watch him frown. "You should be dead! TinkerBell assured me-" You feel unsteady. "TINKERBELL!!!" Pan thunders, causing even the pirates to flinch. You step up to him and grab his hand. "It will take more than a fairy to try and kill me." Hook frowns and points his sword at you. "You dirty traitor! I-" an arrow thunks into his throat before he can finish. "Don't you dare talk about the Queen that way." Everyone looks towards Felix, a triumphant grin on his face. In Hooks last moments he stares at you, shocked. Felix walks over to him and pulls out his arrow, giving you a nod. You laugh fondly. "Felix. Very dramatic." You watch the pirates shuffle around, nervous. "Boys. Fire when ready." Turning around you pull Peter with you, you don't feel so heavy and sluggish. "Where are we going?" You smile happily back at him. "TinkerBell's. I think we are missing something." He grins and follows you.

Peter's Pov:
These last few days have been a torment. Y/n is a husk of herself, just eating then retiring to her tent. Not even Wendy can coax her. I hate that it's because I brought her here that she feels like this, but who was I to stop her? She has choice here. When we walk in the evenings it's my favourite time of the day, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

When she drags me back into the jungle I can see her fog lifting, and it takes everything in me to contain my relief. She looks alive and excited, I guess having her father on the loose was an unconscious weight.

Your Pov:
"TinkerBell!!!!!! Get your wingless ass down here- now." Calling out you ready your weapons. "What do you want." Rushing forward you hold your sword to her neck. "What is your business with my father?!" She laughs. "He finally dead? Took longer than I expected." You push the blade closer to her throat. "You want me to take your shadow Tink?" She gulps at Pan's threat. "Fine!" Huffing she tries moving your blade away and fails. "He struck a bargain with me. I'd help him make y/n give up hope on her powers for revenge and he'd kill Pan. To bad for me the sleeping curse didn't work." You and Pan exchange a look and you can feel something ignite in your belly. "You have five seconds to run before I send the entire Island after you Tink." Letting her go she doesn't hesitate before sprinting off. "Peter- I think, I think that maybe I have my powers. Magic is connected to emotions, and if my father wanted me powerless to get his revenge then making me hopeless was the only way." You don't break eye contact as he walks towards you. "Darling. You are amazing." He wraps you in a hug, and you breath in his scent, savouring the touch. "Thanks Pancake. For being with me through this and helping me find my family." He smiles and you kiss him quickly. The hopeless emptiness slowly disappearing, replaced by a raging hope. Taking in a deep breath you concentrate on your hand, a vibrant flame springing to life. Tears prick your eyes at the sight. You look at Pan and see him wiping away a tear. "What's wrong?" He laughs and holds you other hand, kissing each knuckle. "Nothings wrong. I'm just so happy you are smiling."

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