16: Hook

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Arriving at your tent you sigh and lay down on your bed. Tired from the last few days you curl into a ball and close your eyes, drifting into a fitful sleep.


Waking up to the sounds of Lost Boys celebrating you sigh and get up, walking into the main camp. "Y/n!" Walking over to Wendy you sit next to her, observing the Lost Boys dancing. "Where have you been?" You blink, still exhausted. "Sleeping actually." Wendy hums. "Have you thought about staying here?" You shake your head. "I'm so tired I just want to hang out." Wendy leans on you.

"Pan seems to be better-" before you can nod along your father bursts through the trees, sword drawn. Pirates surround the group. "Dad?" Standing up you frown and walk near him. "Y/n! I've come to rescue you!" You frown some more. "Dad. I'm not trapped." He just laughs. "Of course you are. Now let's go!" Walking towards you you can't stop him from hugging you. As you push back you spot a leather cuff on your wrist.

"You knew? You knew this whole time and didn't help me?" He looks sadly at you. "Y/n, we have to go ok? Let's leave Neverland to rot." You step back, the Lost Boys rushing to your side. "Why do you want me to come with you? It's not your choice to make. I'm 200 years old!" Hook walks closer to you. "You are coming with me and that's final." You try walking back again, only to find a sword at your back, looking around everyone except Wendy has a sword at their throat. "Dad- I've been stuck on that ship for almost my entire life, going where you decide, leading how you decide."

Hooks face contorts in frustration. "Well. If you won't come willingly I'll have to take you forcefully. And don't think these fools will rescue you, I've already neutralised Pan long enough to get off the Island. I hear squid ink doesn't go down well with him." You swallow, "I never had a choice did I?" Hook doesn't answer you, so you bring your fists up to fight. "Don't try that y/n. I've got everyone at my disposal." You tense your fists and drop them to your sides. "Move out!" A hand prods you in the back and forces you to follow your father out of the camp, all the way to the Jolly Roger.

"Mr. Hook. I'll be safe once we leave?" You frown in confusion at Wendy's voice. This isn't happening. It couldn't- could it? Deciding to hope you don't complain as you get tied onto a chair and put down below deck. This whole thing was a horrible nightmare, and you would bide your time to fight and wake up for as long as it took.

Rubbing your wrists together to wear away at the ropes tying your hands behind you, the darkness presses in. It could only have been a few hours but it felt like days. Suddenly a crack of light pierces your prison. "Y/n? I'm going to free you!" The sliver of light disappears and then hands are behind your head, untying your gag. When it drops into your lap you gingerly move your mouth, your voice horse from trying to scream. "Wendy? What's going on?" The betrayal of your father and then your imprisonment weighs heavily on your heart.

"Hook's got some explaining to do- but we have to free you ok? He hasn't left Neverland yet, but when he does he's going to..." You grit your teeth as Wendy pauses to untie your hands, the vicious wounds on your wrists sending shark pain up your arms. "Sorry- he's going to get rid of you. In exchange for the power to get revenge on the dark one." You don't say anything- the realisation that your father valued revenge over his own daughter hitting you like a truck.

"I saw TinkerBell, I was going to tell you before the camp was turned over, but she showed me my brothers. They are twisted with hate and revenge also. They are working with your father because they blame the dark one for my disappearance." The stream of information stops as Wendy finishes freeing your feet. Before either of you can speak a jangle of keys followed by heavy boot clomps is heard overhead. "Wendy! Hide!"

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