30: Happily Ever After

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Cheering you and the Lost Boys emerge from the bushes, your fresh kill on the ground. High five-ing Devin you help hoist the pig onto the wooden carrier and walk back to camp chatting and laughing. When you arrive you light the camp up with a flick of your wrist, your lessons with Pan the past year helping you grow and control your magic. "Pancake?" Looking around you feel an arm around your waist and twist, his smiling face in front of you. "Hello Darling. Time for a walk before the bonfire?" You nod and take his hand, strolling off into the jungle.

Reaching a rocky peak you both stop talking and take in the sight of Neverland sprawled out below you. Sighing you wrap your arms around Pan and breath in. "How are you Pancake?" He chuckles and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm good. You excited for the feast?" You nod. A year after the sleeping curse and his nightmares have stopped, and you have healed from Joseph. Wendy has grown more adventurous and joins on more hunts. The island has never been better.

"Y/n? What's going on in your head?" You laugh and lean up. "Just thinking about how happy I am." You still get butterflies every time he smiles. "Are you happy?" Peter just kisses you. "More than happy." You smile and kiss again, knowing you had all the time in the world to spend together with your family.

Author's Note:
Hello everyone!
This is the last chapter on this book in case the title hadn't given it away😂. I love each and every one of you who has read and loved this story. Thank you so much for or the comments and votes- or even just trying the first chapter or two.

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