8: Fight

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*violence is in this chapter, only the last bit is a bit descriptive- just wanted to let you all know in case you would prefer not to read the last bit of the chapter*

After waking up and using a bucket of water to wash, you get dressed and head towards the main camp. "Morning y/n! Come sit with us!" You wave at Sebastian and walk over to him and Devin. "Want to meet some of the other Lost Boys today?" You grin. "Sure."

As you and Sebastian settle in to listen about Devin's dream of dogs going to war over cheese on toads, a tall skinny Lost Boy with black hair struts over to your group. "Why are you two hanging out with this slut?" The camp goes quiet as everyone tunes into what just happened. "Shut the fuck up Rufio. Just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean you can resort to cliche insults." Feeling grateful and impressed at Devin you still can't quite squash the embarrassment and anger in your gut.

"It's always gotta be some boy who goes straight to sexual insults and brainless attitudes towards women isn't it." Rufio just snorts. "You can lecture me all you want bitch. You can't back it up with anything." Clenching your fists you stand up and glare at him. "Clearly there is only one language you understand."

Before he can say anything else you throw an uppercut and watch in satisfaction as he stumbles back, earning a few "oooohs! And wow's" from the Lost Boys. As Rufio recovers and gets back up the Lost Boys all gather closer, forming a fight ring. "What the hell you bitch!!" You dodge Rufio's next punch and kick his knees from behind, forcing him to the forest floor.

"I think you mean bad bitch you fuck nut." Sebastian and Devin cheer along with most other Lost Boys. "Be careful how you speak to me!" Eyes wide with rage Rufio draws his blade. Realising this could get bloody, you reach down to your scabbard trying not to let your panic show. 

"Be careful who you try and push around!" Gritting your teeth you pull out your sword and go blow to blow with Rufio. As the fight gets nastier you spot Sebastian run off, probably to get Pan. "I won't be beaten by a whore that thinks she can fight." You don't bother replying as you focus on dodging his rage filled swipes. Finally seeing an opening you slash your blade along his abdomen. "And I won't let a pice of filth like you walk around telling women that they are weak."

You smirk for show as he goes down, lying on his back clutching his wound. No one moves as blood pours out of his cut. "Help me damnit!!!" Again no one moves. "Shut up Rufio. She won. We all know the rules. Draw a blade- draw a life." Everyone turns to Pan. Wiping your sword on Rufio's shirt you walk towards him, the boys already parting.

Just as you walk around Rufio you feel a sharp sting on your leg. Looking down you stare wide eyed at Rufio's face filled with violent pleasure. "Suck it bitch." "I don't want to ruin these boots- but I guess I can always get new ones." Trying not to show any emotion you step on Rufio's cut and twist your ankle (your good leg). Blocking out his screams you walk past the Lost Boys and out into the jungle.

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