14: Dreadful News

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"As in the fairy?" You frown as Felix nods. "What is a fairy going to do?? He saved me and he's gone!" Felix just puts an arm around your shoulders. "Let's just put Pan on his bed ok?" You nod and scowl- refusing to let your panic get the better of you. "1....2......3! Lift!" You and Felix each take a side of Pan and lift him onto his bed. "Stay and guard Felix. I'll go find TinkerBell." You watch as he glances at Pan. "You sure? You won't know where to look." You just touch Peter's hand. "You're the only one I trust not to harm him, I'll take Seb and Devin and perhaps Wendy. Can you do that Felix?" He nods. "Good luck."

Jogging out of Peter's hut you enter camp, earning a few confused looks from the Lost Boys. "Y/n? I thought you were hurt." You stop near Seb, Devin and Wendy. "Pan healed me. Now I need your help. I need to find TinkerBell." The two boys exchange a look. "The only person who knows where her hideout is is Pan, Felix tells us he knows but he's just as clueless as the rest of us." You curse. "I know where she is!" Every eavesdropping Lost Boy stares at Wendy. "C'mon y/n. Let's go find your fairy." Leaving everyone stunned you and Wendy take off into the jungle.

After walking for hours you come upon a cave. "Tink?" Wendy's voice is hopeful. "Wendy?" An echo replies, before a blonde steps out of the shadows, her dark green attire camouflaging her. "Hey Tink- we need your help." TinkerBell ignores Wendy and stares at you. "So here she is. The one that is destined to save this land." You snort. "Um....I'm really just here to find out what happened to Pan." You watch her smirk. "He's under a sleeping curse- that's all I'll say." You tilt your head. "As in like.....true..." Wendy squeals. " I knew it!!! I knew you two were meant to beeeee!" Tink shakes her head at Wendy and you feel queasy. "Thanks TinkerBell." Tink eyes you. "I was prepared for a narcissistic girl. Glad to know you're polite- and tough as word has it." You smile at her. "I guess. You've got a pretty mysterious wrap yourself." She laughs and spins, walking back into the cave. "See you 'round."

As you and Wendy walk back to the hut your thoughts spin. What does destined even mean? Do I have a choice? What if I get hurt again? What if I can't wake him up? Eventually deciding that just because you're prophesied you're not going to jump into anything, you finally round the corner- Pan's hut a few steps away.

"Y/n." You turn to Wendy. "I just want to tell you that I'm rooting for you, because you deserve to be happy. If you ever decide that it isn't here on Neverland or with Peter and the Lost Boys you'll always have a place in my life." Beaming at Wendy you hug her. "Wherever I am, you'll always have a safe place in mine to." After a few moments you break apart and Wendy nudges you forward.

Slowly walking to the door you open it, only to be faced with not only Felix, but Devin, Sebastian, Cubby, Fayde, Ben, Tootles, and many other Lost Boys you had befriended. "What are you all doing here?" They all talk over each other before Cubby steps forward. "We want to be here, for you and Pan." You crouch down in front of the little boy. "Thanks Cubby. But I don't know if I can do this with everyone here." You whisper, Cubby nods before turning around to the rest of the group. "Everyone out! She doesn't want any boys here!" You burst out laughing, Wendy giggling behind you to.

The Lost Boys stand there a moment before filing out. Once you secure the door you take a deep breath and cautiously walk over to Peter. His sleeping form almost dead like. Sitting beside him you glance up at the ceiling. Here goes nothing.....

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