26: Sacrifice

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"Pan!! Y/n!!! WAKE UP! WEDNY AND DEVIN ARE FROZEN!!" Breathing unsteadily you rush to the door of Pan's hut and open it. A distressed Sebastian greets you. "We have to do something! The lagoon is frozen and Fayde is trying to see if any other Lost Boys got frozen on patrol last night." You feel your anxiety spike. "Pan get up!" A groan comes from the bed then a soft breath by your ear. "I guess we have to go to the heart of Neverland then." Sucking in a breath you nod. "Meet at camp in five." Closing the door you grab you're coat. "I'm going to go change, I'll see you there." You duck out before Pan can reply.

Arriving in your hut you tug on a new outfit and try to calm yourself down. It will be fine- I'll unfreeze it and then we'll be fine. Striding out you jog to camp, trying to keep warm. As you stop and look up you double take when you see Wendy next to Devin and Felix. Not looking at anyone else you go sit beside her. Concentrating on your hand you light a ring around the three frozen bodies. "Here you go Wendy. I'll save you, don't worry." Standing up you bend the flames away as you walk out. "Y/n..." Sebastian takes your hand gently. "Are you ok?" Thinking for a moment you meet his eyes, steely determination settling over you. "I'll be more then fine once I sort this out." "But.." You squeeze his hand and let go. "Don't worry about me Seb, you're my family. I'd happily lay down my life." Leaving him speechless you walk over to Pan. "Let's go." He looks at you, eyes filled with tears. "Please don't go!" You wince at the sound of Cubby's voice from across the camp. "LISTEN UP BOYS!" you can tell Peter is just controlling himself, and every boy snaps to attention. "Y/n is your queen. Treat her as such. She is going to save us all." You stand there shocked before the boys line up, each one kneeling and banging a hand over their heart and moving on. "P-Peter..?" He finally moves in front of you, kneeling down and banging his hand over his heart. "You're my queen to. The only one in all the realms I will bow to." Letting a tear escape your eye you kneel down and embrace him.

When you open your eyes you are on the highest peek in Neverland. "This is the home of the Spring of Neverland. It's waters are rich with imagination and magic. It's what gives Neverland its power." Watching Pan wave an arm over some Dreamshade plants they move back, leaving a small cold clearing in view. Stepping forward you reach out and brush your fingers over the ice, a small trickle at the bottom of the waterfall the only moving magic left. "I'm scared." Warm arms embrace you and twirl you around. "I know. So am I." You kiss Peter gently. "You don't have to do this. We can leave the Island-" you cut him off. "No. I won't ask you to do that- not when this is my home too. And this isn't a goodbye." A sad chuckle leaves Peter. "It's a see you later." You feel a kiss on your forehead. "Go. I'll be right behind." You nudge him. "Please." At your pleading he kisses both your cheeks. "Ok. Please come back to me." You gulp back your tears and watch him turn, walking back into the cliff-face. Shaking your self you flare your hands, mustering all the strength you have. Time to burn some shit.

Placing your hands just above the frozen waterfall you inhale and close your eyes. Forcing a steady stream of pure heat to the waterfall you slowly increase it. After a few minutes you are covered in a cold sweat. Cracking open an eye you bite down a yell when you see magic streaming from your heart. Taking in a deep breath you push your magic forward, forcing another wave out. And again. And again. Ten minutes later your legs are shaking and your arms are trembling, your head feeling fuzzy and heavy. You feel your magic come to a halt and you step back panting. Feeling a small but if magic left, you look over to the waterfall, only a thin covering of ice keeping it trapped. Pulling out the drawing of Pan you found After he had healed your leg. Clutching it tight before letting it glitter to the ground you blink through a flurry of snow. Until every bit of the waterfall is melted things will just get worse. Rolling your neck and shoulders you try and steady yourself before spreading your hands and gritting your teeth. Pushing every ounce of magic left in you, you blast it towards the heart of the island.

Peter's Pov:
Y/n. She's still there. I know she's got this, she has to. Brushing fresh snow from my eyes i continue to pace. Suddenly a blast of magic comes from the clearing, a fiery band expanding over Neverland before disappearing. Almost like a true love's kiss. A smile on my face I rush to the  place where I left her. "Y/n!" Fuck. She's collapsed on the floor. Running over to her I take off her winter coat as the normal temperature of the island returns. "Wake up y/n!!" Trying to rouse her I spot a sheen of sweat on her face, as well as her pale cheeks, all healthy colour drained out. Grabbing her I flash us down to camp. "Everyone's awake! Look it's all o....k...." I growl at Sebastian, not caring who's ok. Y/n isn't. Walking over to my hut I place her in the bed, drawing the sheet over her. "Pan." I whirl around to Felix. "I don't know what happened." Another voice replies before Felix can console me. "She's used up her magic. She most likely won't survive." Summoning a crossbow I shoot it mindlessly in the direction of TinkerBell's voice. "Pan! We'll figure this out." I growl as Felix walks closer to me, looking as if he'd never been frozen. "Are you feeling alright Felix?" He nods gruffly. "Leave TinkerBell." I hear her walk off, the smug fairy having dodged my arrow. "What if she dies?" Felix doesn't respond, instead feeling her pulse. "She seems alive for now. The question is will she wake up."

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