Chapter 28

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The plane screeches to a landing and I stare out the window. Edward is already up and getting our things from the overhead, just like all the other guys. The plane finally comes to a stop and I stand up.

"Hop on." Edward states and turns around so his back is to me.

"What?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hop on. The last time we went through an airport Emmett gave you a piggyback ride and nobody saw your face. Were doing to the same thing, no passing out this time." he teases. A blush forms on my face and he squats in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck then climb on his back. His arms wrap around my legs and I rest my chin against his shoulder.

"What is that?" Alice screeches.
"What is what?" I ask and she stares with big eyes at my hands.

"Oh my god!" She screams in joy.
"What is it?" Rosalie asks and takes a step into the isle so she can see me. Her eyes land on my ring and a blush rises up my neck.

"He proposed?!" She screams.
"Yes I did." Edward proudly states.

"When?! Why weren't we aware?!" Emmett booms from across the plane. I swear his voice makes the plane quiver.

"A week ago. No one was aware, because we knew this would happen." Edward replies and starts carrying me towards the exit.

"Cmon." he calls to them. I raise the hoodie over my head and then push my face into his neck.

"Ready?" He asks me.
"Yea." I whisper and he begins walking again. Within seconds chaos erupts around us. Questions are being yelled towards us, and even with my eyes squeezed shut I can see the camera flashes.

We finally enter a car and Edward shuts the door, the voices drown away and I sigh in relief.

"You okay?" He asks in concern.
"Yea, I'm fine." I whisper and he kisses my forehead. The car starts to move and I rest my head on Edwards chest.

"Can I ask you something " he questions.
"Mhm." I murmur tiredly.

"When we were at our dorms you said 'I could be going back to my old self, for all my mom knows' or something like that. What exactly did you mean?" He asks quietly. I stiffen and shake my head.

"Can you just forget about that?" I hoarsely whisper. He grabs my left hands and twirls my ring around.

"If we're getting married we have to know each other." he murmurs. A sigh escapes my mouth and he shifts me so I'm sitting on his lap. His hands cup my cheeks and he pecks my lips.

"I'm here for you." he murmurs.

"When my dad died... I had just gotten into a huge fight with him. At the beginning of that year, I kind of went on a rebellion. I was partying and drinking and doing all of this stupid shit. The night that he died we had gotten into a huge fight and I snuck out to go to a party.... I-I told him that I hated him. Then I got home and the next day he was... he wasn't there." I stutter out. Tears begin to well in my eyes and he shakes his head.

"The last words I said to him were 'I hate you.'" I sob out. Edward pulls me into a tight hug and I sob into his neck.

"Bella, your father loved you very much." he murmurs against my shoulder. A strangled sob escapes my mouth and he wipes my tears away.

"Bella, listen to me. Your father loved you, and he didn't take those words as the truth. You were angry you said something that you didn't mean. Everybody has done that." he says softly.

"I can't help but think that if I stayed home... maybe I could have helped him." I sob.

"He had a heart attack, you couldn't have done anything. It might have been a good thing that you weren't there. Your father wouldn't want you to see him like that." he murmurs.

"I should never have left that night." I repeat hoarsely.

"Your dad would never want you to carry this guilt around with you." he murmurs. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. my shoulders slump in defeat and he rubs my cheekbone. I can't focus on anything. I have to many memories and feelings rushing through my veins. The only thing that I can focus on is the guy in front of me. Somehow he wormed his way into my heart, and made me fall in love with him. And he makes me fall more and more in love with him as the days pass.

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