Chapter 36

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"How long was I out?" I ask.
"A few days." Edward replies as he starts my car. He previously argued that I was incapable of driving. After a few minutes I finally gave in and gave him the keys.

I frown and look down at my hands.
"How many days?" I ask cautiously.
"Five." he replies stiffly. My eyes widen in shock and he wraps his hand around both of mine.

"I came down as soon as I can, which was four and a half days ago." he says, trying to lighten the mood. I smile for his sake and he kisses my knuckles.

"You're going to have to sneak into my house. I can't deal with my mothers lectures right now." I sigh.
"That's fine by me." he agrees. We pull into the driveway and he jogs around my car to open my door. His hands wrap around my waist and he sets me on my feet. My left ankle stings with pain and he must notice because he lets me lean against him.

"What door should I use?" He asks.
"Let's go through the back. She's usually in her study anyways." I reply and he helps me limp around the house. We get to the back door and I quietly open it. Once we get to the stairs he lifts me into his arms and we sneak into my room. The minute we enter his nose scrunches up.

"Bella, is there a reason why there's multiple pizza boxes and the smell of a dead animal in here?" He cautiously asks.

"That happens to be my stale tears." I reply with a blush. I quickly grab a garbage bag from the bathroom and begin stuffing the scattered garbage into it.
"I'll do it. You should go get ready for bed." he states and takes the bag from me.
"It's fine, I can-"
"Go. I'll do it." he interrupts. I sigh and go in to my closet. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, then go into my bathroom. I switch the shower on, then climb in. The warm water beats down on to my back and I sigh as my tense muscles begin to relax.

When I get out of the shower I change and go back into my room. Edward is staring at a picture of me and my dad, from before he died. My heart clenches and I wrap my arms around his waist. My forehead leans against his back and he gently puts the picture back.

"He looks like he was a good man." he murmurs and turns around so we're facing each other.
"He was." I quietly agree.

"He raised a great girl. I know he would be proud right now." he adds and kisses my forehead. I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me towards the bed.

"You need to sleep." he states.
"So do you. You look like you haven't slept in a while." I reply and tug on his arm until he's laying next to me. He chuckles and his arm wraps around my waist.

"When you were in the hospital it felt like the sun set and hadn't risen in five days." he replies. I smile up at him and kiss his jaw.

"You read that book didn't you?" I tease.
"I didn't think my innocent fiancée would recognize the line." he replies with raised eyebrows. I laugh and bury my face into his neck.
"Innocent." I reply sarcastically. He rubs my back then wraps the quilts around us.
"Yes, innocent." he repeats and tugs his shirt off. He tosses it on the bottom of the bed then lays back down.

"Can you catch me up on the last two months?" He asks softly. Like he's afraid that I'll freak out.
"Nothing really happened." I shrug.
"Nothing?" He echoes.

"No. I went to school... came home. Sat in self pity, cried myself to sleep, then woke up and repeated the whole thing." I shrug nonchalantly. His eyes sadden and he pressed his lips to mine.
"I'm sorry." he murmurs.

"It's fine. Were together again." I reassure. Our lips connect once again and I move my hands to his bare chest. He breathlessly pulls away and smiles.
"Sleep." he murmurs and I pout up at him.
"Doctors orders." he adds sternly.
Whisper yells surround me and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. I slowly open my eyes and see Edward arguing with my mother.

"-each other."
"No you don't. You are both too young to know what love is. I want you out of my house."
"You don't know your daughter. Your daughter has a compassionate heart, I'm not leaving without my fiancée."

"You can't tell me what I know and don't know about my daughter. I know my daughter."
"Then you should know that she was in the hospital for five days! I spent five days there and I didn't see you visit her once! You're her mother, your job is to be there for her, to protect her! Instead you're messing up her life." A sigh escapes my mouth and I tiredly sit up.

"Can you get out of my room?! Im packing today, I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow." I tiredly grumble. Edward comes to my side and wraps his arms around me, along with the quilts. I realize that I'm not wearing clothes and a blush makes its way to my cheeks.

"You aren't leaving this house-"
"Yes I am. And you are not going to stop me. You don't treat me like a daughter you never have... so be happy. You literally don't have one anymore. You don't have to see me or talk to me. Don't even think about me, pretend I don't exist and get out!" I say through clenched teeth. Her face goes expressionless and she slowly leaves the room. The door clicks shut behind her and Edward slips a tshirt over my head.
"Good morning." I sarcastically whisper.

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