Chapter 44

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My eyes wander around the bathroom and I mentally count down the seconds. They seem to tick by slower than usual. Then again, whenever you're in a rush, everything is slower. Whenever you need time to be somewhere quicker, someone or something slows you down. Or at least that's what it seems like. Time really goes by at the same pace for everybody, no matter where they are in the world.

My three minutes end and I stare at the small pregnancy stick.

Am I suppose to look at it without anyone?
Shouldn't Edward be here?
Is there even a possibility that I'm pregnant?

"Bella, it's Alice. Open up!" Alice calls through the door. I do as told and she walks into the bathroom. She locks the door behind her, then looks at the test.

"Have you read it yet?" She asks.
"No, where's rose?" I worriedly ask.
"She went with Emmett on their date. She'll be gone for a few hours." she replies.
"Oh." I mumble.
"Edward isn't going to stress about having a kid. I hope you know that. He loves children." she murmurs.

"Alice if i am pregnant, this is horrible timing. Edward is just about to take over the throne, we have a wedding to plan, Laurent is out there somewhere. So much is going on in our lives, how would we care for a child?" I rant.

"Bella! You have Emmett, jasper, rose, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, and I. I think we can raise a child." she laughs out. I stay silent and look back at the stick.

"Will you read it to me?" I ask.
"Are you sure?" She questions.
"Yes." I reply. She nods and slowly lifts the stick off of the counter. Her eyes scan it and a smile forms on her face.

"Bella, you're pregnant." she states.
"Oh my god." I gasp in shock. I sit down on the covered toilet seat and her smile drops.

"Are you not happy?" She asks.
"I am... I just, wow." I mumble.
"You need to go talk to Edward." she states.
"I'm afraid." I admit.

"He's not going to mad. He's going to be so happy!" She excitedly exclaims.

A baby is growing inside of me. Laurent is after Edward and me. I can't tell Edward this news yet. He's already so stressed out. I won't do that to him.

"I'm not going to tell him yet. I need time to process this. Can you just keep this on the low? Don't tell anyone." I state.

"Yes of course... But you have to tell him soon. Hell be mad if he's not the first to know." she replies.

"Thanks Alice. I'll talk to you later." I say and toss the test in the trash can. I leave the room and go to Edwards office. He's sitting behind his desk, piles of papers surrounding him. His eyes meet mine and he frowns.

"Everything okay?" He asks.
"Yea, i just came to see how everything's going." I reply and go to his side. He pulls me into a kiss and I smile.

"I'm just signing these papers, then I'll be done for the day." he replies. His eyes search mine and I know he knows something's wrong.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He repeats.
"Yea im fine. I just missed you." I reassure. He nods and pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap.

"I'm almost done." he murmurs and goes back to signing papers. I cuddle against his chest and a smile forms on his face.

"I love you." I whisper and kiss his jawline.
"Love you too." he replies.
"No matter what?" I ask.
"No matter what." he says with furrowed eyebrows. He puts his own down then kisses my forehead.
"Bella, are you sure everything's okay? You seem nervous." he worriedly murmurs.

Everything in me wants to tell him. So he can calm down my nerves about having a baby. But my mind is telling me to stay silent. Just until they capture Laurent. Just until Edward isn't so stressed.

"I'm fine." I say and add a giggle at the end. He must fall for it because he goes back to signing papers.
*An Hour Later*

"Let's get you dinner." Edward finally states. He stands up with me in his arms and I cuddle closer to him.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks as he carries me through the hallways.

"It doesn't matter." I reply with a shrug. He nods and sets me on the kitchen counter. He pecks my lips, then goes to the fridge. Alice enters the kitchen and gives me a questioning look. I shake my head no, signaling that he doesn't know, and she frowns.

Edward turns around with a frozen pizza in hand. He holds it up in questioning.

"Pizza?" He asks.
"Yea, that's fine." I agree. He pops the pizza into the oven then wraps his arms around my waist.
"Let's have a date night!" Alice squeals as jasper enters the room. I roll my eyes and Edward shrugs.

"Okay." He agrees.

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