Chapter 53

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After hours of waiting outside, the bomb control announces that the house is clear. This time they searched every nook and cranny to make sure nothing from the break in was left behind.

Rose and Emmett left with the baby, they said they'd come back to the castle when everything was handled. Of course Edward sent at least twenty guards with them. He doesn't want his niece to be harmed in any way.

His arms wrap around me and he begins leading me back inside. My heart drops and I quickly stop him.

"What did the bomb control say?" I worriedly ask.
"They disarmed it. They made sure that everything is safe." He promises, causing a sigh of relief out of me.

"Do you want to spend the night in my old room?" He asks and pauses in the corridor.

"If you'd like to." I agree. We start walking down the familiar hallway and we stop at his dark wooden door. It holds so many memories, good and bad. I hope it can make many more for our child when they grow up.
When I wake up the next morning, the stomach pains are back. Edwards arms are tightly wrapped around me and his nose is pushed against my neck. A grunt escapes my mouth and I curl my knees up to my stomach.

"Bells?" He tiredly mumbles. He sits up and leans over me with furrowed eyebrows. His eyes are squinted so he can see me and there's a confused look in his eyes. When he sees the pained look on my face, his hands move to my stomach.

"Bella? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He worriedly asks with rubbing my tummy in a circular motion.

"I keep getting sharp pains." I cringe. He helps me sit up and i gasp out in pain.

"Shit, I'll be back in two minutes. I'll go get the doctor." He murmurs and rushes out of the room. My jaw clenches and I try not to cry from the pain. Within seconds Edward is back with the doctor stumbling behind him, trying to keep up with Edwards rushed footsteps. He comes back to my side and the doctor quickly pushed my shirt up to see my stomach.

"When did the pains start?" She asks and probes around my baby bump.

"Yesterday," I answer and squeeze Edwards hand.
"Is the baby okay? What's going on?" He asks the doctor with a glare.

"I have to take some blood work, just to make sure nothing serious is wrong.... Bella have you been under a lot of stress lately?" She asks and grabs something out of her bag.

"Well yea, there was a bomb in our house." I sarcastically whimper. She holds my arm out and searches for my vein before pressing a needle into it.

"This is most likely linked to your stress. You're suppose to be relaxing, and taking it easy. It's not good for the baby when you're tense and stressed." She replies and takes two tubes of my blood. She puts a band aid on my arm, then looks down at the tubes.

"I'll be back as soon as the results are in. For now, you can use a heating pad for the pain. Relax, maybe take a nap." She adds and turns to Edward.

"Your job is to keep her from worrying." She sternly tells him before leaving the room. He wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday?" He asks with a disappointed tone in his voice.

"I didn't want to add more to your plate. You were busy." I sigh and close my eyes. His lips move to my stomach and he pulls away.

"I'm always here for you and this baby. Don't doubt that, please. I'm going to get a heating pad, would you like anything else?" He questions and stands up.

"A cup of tea would be nice." I whisper and he nods before leaving the room. I curl up on my side and squeeze my eyes shut. Ragged breaths leave my mouth and I cry out in frustration.

Edward soon comes back with a heating pad in hand. He plugs it in to the outlet next to me and quickly switches it on. He lays it over my stomach and then sits next to me. He pulls me so his back is against the headboard and my back is pressed against his chest. My heart flutters at the movement and his hands move to my shoulders. He gently massages them and I try to swat his hands away.

"You don't need to do that-" I weakly protest.
"Bells, shh. Just relax, take a nap. It'll help." He hushes and continues doing what he's doing.

The heating pad gradually heats up, and I finally let Edward massage my shoulder blades. I don't know if it's Edward or the heating pad, but one or the other makes me extremely tired. My eyes shut and a small sigh leaves my mouth. Soon sleep takes over.

I'm sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with high school, and some other stuff. I will try to update again tomorrow, promise. But if I don't, the set date is for Wednesday. 

Thanks for reading, voting, and comments.

-P.S I read all comments so thank you very much for the thoughtful ones.

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