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I wipe the tears from my eyes and pull away from Edward. He has a worried look in his eyes and he's intently staring at me. I try not to make eye contact with him.

"I want to be alone." I say quietly and keep my eyes on the floor.

"Usually when girls say that they mean the opposite of that." he replies and brushes the hair away from my face.

"I'm not like the usual girl." I mumble.
"No.... your not." He says and lifts me up.

"Let's get your mind off of this. Ill put a movie on." he says and carries me down the long hallways. He sits me on one of the couches and puts a huge TV on. His hands expertly click a few buttons then he sits next to me.

"Did he lie?" I ask absentmindedly.

"About what?" he asks and tugs me so I'm laying down with my head on his lap.

"About him liking me. Was that all a lie?" I question.

"You're very likable. So I don't know if I can answer that. But I can say, that you are beautiful and I personally think he does like you. Some guys just don't know how to show their feelings." he replies and runs his fingers through my hair.

The movie starts and I face the screen with a blush.

My eyes slowly start to open and I frown in confusion. There's a heavy arm wrapped around my waist, and a face is nuzzles into my neck. I begin to panic and quickly push the arm off of me.

"Bella?" Edwards tired voice asks. I blush and rise to my feet.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. When you fell asleep I didn't want to wake you. I guess I must have fallen asleep too." he says and stands up. He scratches the back of his neck with a nervous look on his face and I shake my head.

"No it's fine. I'm just gonna go to my room." I awkwardly state.

"I'm sorry." he says again.

"It's fine." I reply and leave the room. My feet carry me to the familiar room and I change into pajamas. my body flings onto the bed and I sigh in relief.


My eyes flutter open and I trudge into the bathroom. My hands slowly turn the shower handles until I get it hot. I climb in and let the hot water relieve the stress from my back.

When I get out I wrap a towel around myself and go back to my room. After throwing some sweatpants and a tank top on I go to the kitchen and ask the chef to make me waffles. I sit there watching him mix ingredients and someone sits next to me.

I tiredly look up to see Edward And he awkwardly smiles at me.

"Good morning." He greets.
"Morning." I mumble and yawn.
"Tired?" he teases and playfully ruffles my hair.

"So, so tired." I confirm and he chuckles. The chef hands me my plate and i immediately dig in. Edward watches in shock as I soon finish off the plate and I smile innocently.

"If only some of that fat made it onto you. You're too skinny." he says causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm not that skinny." I reply.

"Yes you are." Emmett states as he walks into the kitchen. I blush and stand up.

I grab a water bottle and leave.

"Where you going?" Edward asks and jogs to catch up with me.

"An adventure." I joke. he rolls his eyes and stops me by grabbing my wrist. I huff and turn to face him.

"Really. Where are you going?" he questions.

"I'm going to see the house. I am stuck in here for who knows how long. Don't send anyone after me unless I'm not back in two hours. This place is huge I'll end up lost." I say and continue walking. I hear his chuckles and I go through a random door.

Twilight Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now