Chapter 31

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"What?" Edward asks in horror.
"She came in when you were sleeping. S-she said that she was going to cancel the contract." I stutter nervously.

"That's not happening." he angrily states. He pulls me into a tight hug and grips on to my waist in a possessive manner.

"I'm not letting that happen. I don't care what, me and you are going to stay together." he promises. He tries to sound stern, but I can't help but notice the quiver in his voice. He's nervous too.

"Can she do that?" I hoarsely whisper. He stays silent and I suck in a deep breath.

"Oh my god." I whisper in panic.
"It's going to be okay." he promises once again.
"I'm not eighteen yet. She can take me back to forks." I sob out.

"Princess, that's not happening." he promises. I look up at him, with teary eyes, and he pushes the tears away. There's a light knock on the door, then it opens. Carlisle steps into the room and I immediately turn my face away from him. For some reason every time I meet him, I'm either drunk or crying.

"Son, is something the matter?" Carlisle asks softly.
"Is there a loop hole in the contract?" Edward asks through clenched teeth.

"I thought-"
"Her mother is trying to back out. Now tell me... did you put a loophole in the god damn contract." Edward angrily interrupts him. I stay silent and Edward pulls me to his side.

"I had to put some type of back up plan in it. I didn't know if you two would work out or if-"
"I told you it would work out! Now her mother is trying to back out! She's not taking my fiancé away from me!" Edward angrily yells. I clutch onto his arm and rest my forehead against his shoulder.

"Edward, stop yelling at your father. Its not his fault." I hoarsely whisper. He relaxes against me and I turn towards Carlisle. Multiple people are standing in the doorway, watching the tragedy called my life fall apart. Edwards siblings look like they're about to cry, whereas Rosalie and jasper look like they're pissed. My mother has a smug look on her face, and Esme looks horror struck.

"Everyone get out." Edward growls.
"Son-" Esme tries but he holds his hand up to stop her. His face is livid with anger.

"No one talk. Just get out." he says hoarsely. People slowly start to leave the room, my mom is the last out. But before she goes, she says one last thing.
"I will not stick my daughter with someone that is incapable of truly loving her. I did that to myself, with Isabella's father, and I will not make that mistake again."

The door shuts and Edwards arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me closer to him, and rests his forehead against my neck. I rub his tense shoulders and he takes a deep breath. Something wet begins to drip on my shoulder and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. When I pull away to look at Edward, his eyes are red and puffy. My heart clenches and another sob escapes my mouth.

"You're crying." I whisper in shock.
"I can't live without you. You're the one that dug me out of my life. You helped me get away from all of this... I can't live without you." he repeats in a hoarse voice. I tightly wrap my arms around his neck and hug him.

"Im sorry." I sob.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." he replies.
"Yes I do. This is my moms fault." I state.
"Don't apologize. Were going to see each other again. You turn eighteen in another six months. We can be apart that long." he promises.

"I can't be away from you for that long." I deny. He lightly chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"We'll make it." he promises.

"How long do you think we have before the contract is gone?" I quietly question.

"A day or two at most." he replies stiffly. I pull away to look him in the eyes and he sighs in frustration.

"We'll FaceTime and call each other, and text nonstop." he promises. I lean up and press my lips against his, catching him off guard. He immediately kisses back and lifts me up.

"Edward," I stop him. He pulls his lips away from mine and looks me in the eyes.

"When I was younger I made the promise that I wouldn't be with a guy until marriage. But I also made the promise that I wouldn't be with a guy until I knew he was the one. The one that I want to spend the rest of my life with... And that's you." I hoarsely whisper. Tears fall from my eyes and he stares at me in shock.
"You're sure about that?" he questions.
"I'm more than sure." I promise.

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