Chapter 35

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My head snaps in Edward direction and my heart monitor speeds up. He reaches for my hand and I move away from him. To the point where I'm hanging half of my hospital bed.

"Bella, I can explain. I didn't cheat on you, I promise. Please baby, calm down." he begs with sincerity in his eyes. I gulp and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Was it really for publicity?" I whisper.
"Yes. I would never hurt you like that. I didn't know that they would put your name in it. My father is dealing with that right now. The girl in the article is a family friend, we have never thought of each other as anything more than friends." he replies. Our hands connect together and I can't help but throw myself into his arms. The IV gets ripped out of my arm, but the only thing I focus on is him. He clutches on to me and I desperately hug him.

"I've missed you so much." I weakly sob.
"I missed you too. I'm sorry." he whispers against my neck. My eyes shut and the door bursts open with a panicked nurse.

"You need to keep your IV in. You've been through a lot. And you need to stay in bed." she states and Edward sets me back on the bed. Jake glares at us and the nurse pricks the needle back into my wrist. I wince and Edward keeps his hand on my back.

"Rest up. The doctor will be in shortly, to talk to you." she says and gives jake and Edward a sharp look before leaving the room once again.

"What, no thank you?" Jake grumbles.
"Thank you." I whisper and pull him into a hug. He chuckles against my hair and tightly wraps his arms around my waist.

"Just to let you know... Your boyfriend is an asshole." he whispers in my ear. I slap his chest and push him away.

"Thank you for saving me jake. I owe you one." I repeat and look at Edward. His hair is tousled, like he's been running his hands through it. He usually does that when he's frustrated. He's also growing his beard out, slightly.

"Jake... Can I have a moment alone with Bella?" Edward asks, with his eyes locked with mine. Jake huffs and stands up.

"I'll go to the cafeteria to get her some food." he replies and leaves. Edwards arms wrap around me and he rests his chin on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry." he murmurs.
"I'm fine." I reply quietly.
"You almost died." He growls.
"I didn't. I'm here." I whisper.

"What if Jacob didn't get to you in time. It would've been my fault... I would never be able to live with myself-"
"Edward, I'm here and I'm safe and I'm in your arms. That's all that matters at this very moment." I interrupt.

"You're coming back with me. I don't care what your mother says." he whispers and a small smile breaks on to my face.

"Really?" I ask excitedly.
"Yes really. It seems like every time I leave you alone you get yourself into trouble. So the only solution I have left, is to not let you leave my side." he replies with a small chuckle. I pull away and press my lips against his. He immediately kisses back and my heart erratically thumps in my chest. My heart monitor goes into overdrive and he quickly pulls away with a smirk. The doctor quickly enters the room and looks from me to Edward. A blush rises up my neck and into my cheeks.

"Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly.
"Everything is fine doctor." Edward replies.
"Yea." I awkwardly agree. He holds a file up and sets it down on the desk.

"While I'm here, I need to discuss your medical status with you." he says and sits down. His eyes scan the papers, then he looks at Edward.

"Family only." he states.
"We're engaged." Edward says with a glare.
"You seem a little young to be engaged. But congrats." The doctor hesitantly replies. His eyes flicker to my ring finger, where there isn't a ring. But he shrugs it off and looks back at the file. He goes through routine and checks my vitals.

"Your vitals are back to normal. Which is a good thing. Just before you woke up we gave you a medication to take your headache away... You had a lot of water in your lungs, your friend Jacob Black got most of it out before he brought you to us. Your ankle is sprained, just keep the cast on it for a few more weeks and you should be good. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with you. You're free to go home as long as you take it easy." he states and closes the file.

"Thank god." I sigh out. Edward chucked and kisses my forehead.
"So there's nothing to be worried about?" He asks the doctor.

"Not other than a little bit of dizziness. We've given you multiple liters of liquids, so you might not have that side effect. Everyone is different. I do advise taking it easy and staying in calming environments." he adds and stands up.

"Thank you doctor." Edward says and shakes his hand.
"I'll have a nurse come to check you out." the doctor adds and leaves the room.

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