Chapter 41

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Squeals erupt around me and I tiredly squirm closer to Edwards warmth. His arms tighten around me and I frown in confusion. Where is the girly squealing coming from?

"Edward, did you get me a pig?" I ask and slowly open my eyes. He looks down at me with an amused smirk and kisses my forehead.

"No princess. Those squeaks are from your best friends." he replies and I twist my head to look around me. Were standing in the middle of the castles foyer. Rose and Alice are cooing at us.

"Bella!" She screams and immediately hugs me. Edward still has me in his arms so, Its awkward to say the least. When they finally let go Edward sets me on my own two feet. Emmett and jasper enter the room, jasper awkwardly waves hi. Whereas, Emmett pulls me into a tight bear hug, to the point where I'm choking for air. Edward pulls me back to his side and kisses my forehead.

"Are you feeling better?" He whispers in my ear.
"Yea, I'm fine. The Tylenol helped." I reply with a shiver. He smiles and look back towards his siblings.

"We are going to unpack Bella's things. No one is to bother us." he instructs.

"Shouldn't we help Bella unpack?" Alice pouts.

"No!" I quickly exclaim.
"I mean... No, Edward can help me. He can reach the top shelves. Lets go Edward!" I explain and grab his hand. I begin to drag him up the stairs and he chuckles.

"What she means to say is that she doesn't want you guys changing her wardrobe. See you guys at dinner." Edward calls and rushes me upstairs. He lifts me through the door then shuts it behind us. My boxes are piled around the room, and some are even on the bed.

"Woah, okay. We should get to work." Edward chuckles. I slowly nod and make my way to a random box.
"We're not going to be able to unpack everything today." I realize out loud. Edward turns to me with raised eyebrows.

"I knew that more than an hour ago. The maids are putting the guest room together for us. We'll finish this tomorrow." he replies and comes to my side.

"Can we stop now?" I beg with puppy eyes. He chuckles and pecks my lips.

"You didn't even have to ask." he murmurs. Our lips connect and there's a loud knock on the door. He growls and pulls away.

"Who is it?!" He calls as he walks towards the door. The minute he unlocks it the door flies open and a worried Carlisle stands there.

"What's wrong?" Edward worriedly asks him. I go to his side and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Laurent is back." Carlisle states. A string of curse words explode from Edwards mouth and his hands clench into fists.

"Who's Laurent?" I cautiously ask.
"Son, you need to be the one to tell her.... Come see me in the morning, well put a game plan together." Carlisle states and pats his back. He sends me a friendly smile then leaves the room.

"Edward?" I cautiously ask. He slams his fists on the wall and his shoulders tense up.

"I thought it was him. I was just hoping I was wrong." he states through clenched teeth. I move my hands to his shoulder blades as I rest my forehead against his back.

"What's wrong?" I quietly ask.

"Laurent nearly killed my siblings and I. We were fourteen, at the time and he was stalking our family. We went out to dinner and he had placed a bomb under the table. The security didn't find it, Emmett accidentally found it and we got out five seconds before it blew up... He nearly killed us all... No body ever found him. He got out of the country." he replies through clenched teeth.

"Edward... your family is okay. They're safe and your security team will find Laurent." I murmur and kiss between his shoulder blades. His frame relaxes slightly and he turns to look at me.

"I know that my family is safe.... It's you that I'm worried about." he replies.
"Why are you worried about me? I'm right here." I say with furrowed eyebrows.

"He has a thing for me in particular. He was following you because of me... I'm going to have guards around you at all times... You know what, fuck the guards. I'm not leaving your side." He murmurs and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Edward, I'm right here. I'm okay." I whisper against his chest. He pulls my lips against his and wraps his arms around my waist. A knock echoes against the door and his whole body stiffens.

"My family has a thing for interrupting us." he grumbles and goes to open it.

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