Chapter 58

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"So where do we start?" Edward asks with raised eyebrows. I stare at him for a few seconds then shake my head.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Why did I have to find out that you were previously engaged for myself?" I ask. His lips turn down in a frown and he reaches for my hand. I quickly fold my hands together in my lap, enabling him from getting to my hands.

"You have to understand, Irina and I were never truly a thing. Plus we weren't engaged. We were matched together for purposes of advancing her family name. We both needed something, I needed to be able to take over the throne, and she needed to get her name back on top. Our parents set us up together when we were just teenagers. That was before I met you." He rants with a frustrated look on his face.

"I told you about Jake! Why couldn't you just explain that to me, at least before we got engaged!" I exclaim in protest.

"Truthfully, I didn't want you thinking that I was settling with you. Because I'm not settling, Bella, you are the love of my life. And I would like to think, that even without the whole arranged marriage thing, we still would have found each other." He softly states. He takes my hand in his as rubs my ring finger, where his ring no longer is.

"You took it off." He says with hurt in his voice.
"I didn't know how this was all going to end." I admit and pull my hand away.

"Please don't end us, because of Irina or my stupid decisions in the past-"
"I'm not ending us. We have a son now. You have a country of people to look after.... And I'm suppose to look after you and help you run this country. I'm not going to give that up. I just think that.... Me and you just need to work things out over time." I softly explain. A look of hurt forms on his face and he leans back in his seat.

"Bella I-"
"Don't, please. Charlie is my main focus right now-"
"I'm going to resign!" Edward shouts over my protests. My body freezes and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"That day that I went into the hospital lobby. I had to take care of something, and when I came back I had already missed Charlie's first feeding. I felt so guilty, because that was literally the first thing he did and I wasn't there. I know he won't remember it when he gets older. But I can't stand to think about the things that I might be missing." He pauses and looks at me with a hurt look in his eyes, "Every time I go to my office or even go to shower, I keep thinking about all the things I might miss in his life. His first steps, words, baseball games, the list is endless. And I don't want to miss those things. I want a normal family. With you and my son, and maybe even more kids."

My heart rapidly pounds against my chest and I pull my knees up to my chin. I wrap my arms around myself and let out a shaky breath. I wait a few minutes to reply, trying to let everything sink in.

"You're willing to give up a whole country to have a normal family?" I slowly ask.

His voice never wavers "One hundred percent yes."

"What is Carlisle going to do? I mean, will he take the throne back or something?" I hesitantly ask.

"I'm giving it to Jasper and Alice. Emmett didn't want it, I already talked to him." He replies.

"Edward are you sure. You've been raised in this castle, you were always told that you were getting the throne, now you just want to give it away for nothing?" I protest. He pulls me closer to him, this time I don't resist.

"Bella, I'm positive about this. I want you and all the perks of being a normal family... Cute little vacations around the world, matching outfits, decorating our house, cooking dinner together. I want it all." He murmurs and presses a small innocent kiss on to my forehead. I sigh and close my eyes.

I've missed him. His random hugs and kisses. His cute smiles and furrowed eyebrows. Even his constant pestering about my eating habits.

"Maybe not the matching outfits." I smile. A smile breaks on to his face too and he lifts me up so were standing. He then lifts me into his arms and rushes out of the room.

"Edward, where are we going?" I ask with a confused frown. He chuckles and sets me down on my feet. We're standing in the middle of our walk in closet. He goes to my jewelry trey and grabs the wedding ring before dropping onto one knee.

"Bella Swan, you are the love of my life. We've been through every up and down, twist and turn. But we will made it to where we are today. I love you with all of my heart and would do anything to make you happy. So will you do me the favor of making me the happiest man alive. Marry me?" He asks. His eyes shine with happiness and I nod my head.

"Technically we're already engaged, but yes Edward. Yes of course I'll marry you." I reply and he leaps to his feet. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses a kiss on to my lips. I desperately kiss back and he slightly pulls away to slide the ring on to my finger.

"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too." I reply and press my lips back to his.

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