Chapter 61

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Alice, rose and I trudge into the house. Our arms are lined with bags upon bags of clothes and shoes. Our shopping trip was fun. I haven't been able to have girl time in a while, I actually kind of missed it. Even though I don't have a love for shopping, I do have a love for these two girls. They're my family.

The silence in the house scares me. No one greets us, and I don't hear any of the kids crying or screaming. The girls and I exchange worried looks and rose immediately waddles towards the kitchen. I drop my bags against the foyer wall.

"Edward?" I hesitantly call out. There's no reply. Panic slowly begins to cloud my mind and I begin rushing through all the rooms.

When I get to the family room, I freeze.

Edward is laying on the couch, Charlie is on his chest, both of them are asleep. Emmett is laying on the other couch, his legs hang over the side and he's cradling Elizabeth in his arms.

"Alice, rose, over here." I softly call down the hall. Their soft footsteps make their way towards me and I motion towards the guys.

Jasper somehow ended up laying across the coffee table, he has baby food all over his shirt and face.
A laugh leaves my mouth and I look at rose, who's hovering over Emmett. She nudges his cheek and he swats her hand away with a few incoherent mumbles.
Alice giggles and hops over to jasper. She begins nudging him too.

I simply sit next to Edward and take Charlie from off his chest. They both stay sleeping. Once Emmett and jasper are up, rose and Alice get a little tour of my house. I make sure that they stay quiet, Edward deserves a nap. Most dads go back to work within weeks of bringing a baby home, but Edward has been by my side for over a year now.

"Hey Rose, do you think you could watch Charlie for the night?" I hesitantly ask. Her eyes light up with excitement.

"Of course I can! It'll be so fun. Him and Elizabeth get along great. Oh I'm so happy you asked me!" She exclaims and pulls me into a tight hug. Charlie is still in my arms, so he wakes up due to the loud talking and hug. When he notices me, he tightly clings on to me.

"Charlie, do you want to spend the night with Elizabeth and Emmett?" I softly ask him. He rubs at his tired eyes and glances at rose then Emmett. A happy giggle leaves his mouth and he reaches his arms out for Emmett.

"Uncle em em!" He exclaims and I watch in shock as Emmett picks him up.

"You taught him how to say your name?" I question. Emmett chuckles at the awestruck look on my face.

"Yes I did." He smirks in reply. The shock wears off and I shake my head in disbelief.

"I'm gonna go pack up a little bag for him." I state and rush up the stairs. When I get to his nursery, I grab one of his baby bags and begin piling clothes and diapers and baby bottles inside. I add his favorite toy and zip it up.

One part of me considers changing my mind and not letting Charlie have a sleep over. But the other part of my mind realized that I need to start letting go a little bit. He'll be starting kindergarten soon, and I've heard the horror stories of kids screaming and crying and clinging to their parents. He loves Emmett and Rosalie, so maybe a sleep over won't be such a bad thing. Not to mention that Edward and I haven't had a minute to ourselves since he was born.

Making up my mind, I lug the baby bag back downstairs. Jasper is now clean of baby food, except for the few stains across his white shirt. I laugh at him and he glares back.

"Your son decided to throw his plate of food at me." He informs me, the look in his eyes shows his amusement at the situation.

"He does that," I confirm with a smirk. A chuckle leaves his mouth and rose takes the baby bag from me.

"Okay, we have to get going, it's kind of a long trip back. Plus, I need to stop and get some chips." Rose comments. Charlie is still in Emmett's arms and I walk over to them.

"Be good for mommy okay? Me and daddy will pick you up, first thing in the morning." I promise and place a kiss on his forehead.

"Bye bye ma ma!" He exclaims. My heart drops to my stomach and I watch as rose, Emmett, Elizabeth and Charlie get in the car. A sigh leaves my mouth and Alice grabs her shopping bags from the timed foyer floor.

"We should get going too. You and Edward have fun," Alice smirks with a subtle wink. Jasper gives her a knowing look and shakes his head.

"I knew you were eavesdropping," he frowns. She puts on a innocent smile and grabs his hand.

"We'll see you soon bells," with that, she slams the front door shut. I lock the door and each as their car takes off.

My nose scrunches up and I trail back to the family room. Edward is still knocked out, so I toss a blanket over him and go to the kitchen. The least I can do is make dinner. He usually makes it, but I might as well give cooking a try.

When I enter the kitchen, the first thing I see is baby food splattered all over Charlie's feeding chair. I grab a sponge and quickly wipe it down. Then, I get started on what might be the hardest task of my life, cooking dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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