Chapter 50

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The door opens and I frown in confusion. In front of me sits a modern kitchen. the cabinets are a dark brown, and the counters are pearly white. Two stainless steel stools sit in front of the breakfast bar, and kitchen appliances are scattered around.

"A kitchen?" I curiously ask. Edward rolls his eyes and  urges me farther into the room.

"Cmon." He murmurs and leads me to the right of the kitchen. A table sits by a huge window. It's the same dark brown as the kitchen cabinets, and the chairs are stainless steel.

"Shh." He hushes and lifts me up. He carries me to a small family room. The couches are white and there's a glass coffee table between the two couches. A huge flat screen tv is placed on the wall, right above a fireplace.

"Edward, this is amazing-"

"We're not done yet." He murmurs and carries me up a flight of stairs. Six doors take up the cute hallway. He places me on my feet and smiles as he opens a door. He tugs me inside and I freeze. 

We're standing in the middle of an all white baby's room. The walls are all white, except for one which is green. There's a closet in the far left, a crib against the nearest wall and a changing table in the other corner.
A gasp leaves my mouth and herald his arms around my waist.

"Once we figure out of its a girl or a boy, we can start buying clothes and toys. I did everything white because we can do whatever we want with it. If you don't like it-"
"Edward I love it." I cut off his rant. A smile forms on his face and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"We have a spare room, a storage room, and two bathrooms. Also downstairs we have an office and bathroom." He murmurs. I pull him into a tight hug and he chuckles.

"This is amazing. Thank you, for doing this." I whisper.

"Anything for my bells." He replies against my ear.
•Two Months Later•

The doctor swirls gel on my stomach then presses the ultrasound machine against my baby bump. Edward grips my hand and I stare at the screen.

"Is it healthy?" Edward worriedly asks.

"Yes, the baby is healthy from what I can tell. Would you like to hear the heart beat?" The doctor asks.

"Yes." I squeak and Edward chuckles as he kisses my forehead. The doctor smiles and hits a few switches. Soon the sound of a faint heart beat fills the room. My heart clenches and I look at the screen.

"Can we find out the gender yet?" I ask hopefully.

"Mrs. And Ms. Cullen, I'm proud to announce that you are expecting a baby boy." The doctor says with a smile.

"A baby boy." I repeat with a smile. Edward presses a kiss to my lips and I hug him.

"I think that's it for today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll let you get cleaned up, then I'll be back." The doctor states as she cleans the machine off. She hands me a rag and I smile.

"Thank you." I say. She nods and leaves the room. Edward helps me sit up and takes the rag from my hand. He cleans my baby bump off and I smile as he places a kiss to my belly button.

"Thanks." I murmur.
"No problem." He replies.

"Are you happy that we're having my a boy?" I ask him.

"Of course I am. I can't wait to have a little version of ourselves running around." He teases.

"If we ever have a girl, he can be the protective older brother." I say with a laugh. He chuckles along with me and presses his forehead against mine.

"Three months." I state and look down at my stomach.

"Three months." He repeats and the door bursts open.
"Mr. Cullen, the castle is under attack." The doctor rushes out in panic. My eyes widen in shock and Edward protectively stands in front of me.

"What do you mean under attack?" Edward growls.

"Security is rushing around the hallways. They're trying to get your family into the safe room." She replies and Edward lifts me into his arms. My heart rapidly thumps against my chest and he takes of running down the hallway.

"Edward!" Someone exclaims and Edward stops.

"Thank god," he sighs and turns around. He carries me through a door and sets me on my feet.

"Edward, who's attacking? What's going on?" I ask in panic.

"I don't know. We need to get you safe." He replies and I turn to see Alice. She pulls me into a hug and then rushed me down a flight of stairs.

"They're clearing the east end. Everyone get to the north end safe, now." Security guards echo as they surround us. Each and every one of them has a gun in hand, and an impassive look on their faces. And I immediately know, that whoever is attacking will be shot on sight.

"Bella it's going to be okay." Edward says and comes back to my side. His arm wraps around my waist and he gently places his hand on my stomach.

"It's going to be okay." He repeats against my ear. I shiver closer to his warmth and everyone stops. I hear a metal door sliding, but I don't see it, due to the people surrounding us.

A shriek echoes down the hallway and freeze.

"Guys we have a problem!" Emmett booms as he rushes towards us with rose in his arms.

"Oh my god." Alice whispers.
"Holy cow-"
"What's going on?" Edward asks.
"She's in labor." Carlisle states with horror filled in his eyes. He quickly motions for Emmett to enter the safe room and I continue standing there, frozen.

"Cmon." Edward murmurs and ushers me into the room. Once all of the family is inside, the door slams shut behind us. Jasper clicks the locks into place, and Alice goes to his side to whisper something in his ear.

"Get her on the table." Carlisle shouts and clears a long table of its food. He hands everything to Emmett and Emmett quickly pushes everything into the kitchen counter.

"Edward, we need a doctor in here." I whisper in horror.

"Carlisle was a doctor before he became the king. He travelled around the world to places with natural disasters. Saved a lot of lives.... She'll be fine." He quietly promises. A breath of relief leaves my mouth and I rest my head against his arm.

"Bella?" Esme whispers as she comes to my side.
"Yes?" I politely ask.
"When were you going to tell me I was expecting a grandchild?" She happily squeals.

"What?!" Everyone shouts in shock, and then chaos erupts in the room.

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