5: Partner 🧑🏼‍🦳

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I got down from the car in front of my house. I didn't care about the door. But it shut by itself.

I walked back to my kitchen and saw the omelettes on the plate which were black by now because of the charred particles of the burnt side of the house.

I sniffled when tears streamed down my face. I cried hard, glasses falling off my face, my bloody hands, soiled clothes, messy state. I collapsed on the ground.

I have to be strong for myself, because I can never forget that feeling of being stranded under a sky showering acid rain while I saw girls being burnt by acid. I will never forget that feeling of utter helplessness.

Perhaps things are born from trauma. An anger. A clarity.

A beast.

It scares me. Terrifies the hell out of me of what I did last night. I couldn't help them get into the car. Only I survived. I saved myself but not them.

Why? Because I don't know my own power. But that's been the problem all along, hasn't it?

Maybe none of us truly know our own strength. Not until the world has hacked away at us. But the point is, we aren't strong because of our trauma.

We were always strong to begin with. We just need to figure it out for ourselves.

Which is why, I meet my eyes in my reflection on the glass pieces, and I don't waver when I say, "I want to be so strong that I never have to fear anyone else in this world. That if I need to, I can make them all fear me. And I want you to teach me."

Silence reigns like a rigid monarch.

For a moment, I wonder if I've crossed a line. If I've mocked myself. Worry makes me want to gnaw on my bottom lip.

But then . . .


I groaned and looked towards the door. "What happened now?"

I saw the band on my wrist shining, “It's going to be 7 am in 30 seconds. If you don't sit in the car on time, the toxin will be injected by itself. 15 seconds.”

I rolled my eyes and stood up, picking my glasses and wearing them. Walking towards the door and then to the car.


The car stopped with a jerk and I got my head on the headrest of the ring seat. "Fuck you, Car-L!"

“Destination has arrived. Get down from the car.” The door opened by itself.

I scoffed and got down the car. I saw people wearing yellow and blue stone man masks standing in front of the auditorium door.

I eyed them from top to bottom, looking at their exquisite sight Ave then looked at myself. Blood on my hoodie and jeans, glasses on my nose, messy short hair.

I cleared my throat and tried to act confidently before entering the stadium while fixing my hoodie and hair. But the guard gave me a flash card.

“Pair yourself with someone inside.”

I looked at him with a questioning gaze but he wasn't looking back at me.  Probably a robot. Programmed to just to hand these cards.

I turned to look at my card but it only had a symbol of a hand. 🖐️

And what is this card even about?

I slowly entered the huge auditorium but then looked at the crowd of people in front of me.

They were busy talking to themselves. Now, how am I supposed to talk to someone and pair up? I'm definitely an introvert! Busy with computers and machines. Damn, I didn't like going out!

I looked around, some people avoiding my stares. Probably because of my appearance right now.

But then my eyes fell upon a boy sitting in the far corner of the room, all alone.

He was busy observing others in the room but then slowly his brown eyes landed on me. My breath hitched.

He was gorgeous.

His face was like a sculpture, sharp facial features and deep penetrating eyes. His ash locks falling over his eyes, curled towards the end. Making him look like a royalty.

He stared at me blankly and unknowingly my feet dragged me to him. My breath hitched to see him gazing up at me.

"Will you be my partner, please, sir?" I squeaked and he tilted his head. His lips slightly curved up at the corners.

He faced down and stared behind me, back at the crowd again. I sighed.

Why would a prince like him, pair up with a homeless-looking girl like

"Let's go! The game is about to start." The boy said and stood up. He put his hands inside his pocket before walking past me.

"W-what?" I mumbled and turned to face him. He paused and turned back to smile at me. "You can call me Taehyung."

I blinked several times but then composed myself and looked back to see him already walking away from me.

I ran up to him when the huge entrance closed and the room dimmed. Suddenly, a huge screen lit up and we heard a mechanical voice say,

“Welcome to this gaming arena. The registration is now closed. Hope you have already found yourself a partner.”

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