35: Would ⚔️

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Taehyung's POV

The door of room 2432 creaked open and I saw a girl entering. She looked at me fearfully before taking a seat in the opposite side of the table.

We were facing each other, a table separating us.

I looked at her who was shivering in fear until I heard a mechanical voice echo in the room.

"Welcome to this gaming arena. We will be asking 5 Would you rather questions but to make it more thrilling the game will be realistic."

I smiled and looked at the girl in front of me who was looking back at me with a shaky gaze.

"We will do a lottery and let you know, who will go first."

We exchanged glances.

"Momoka Shin, gets to have the first chance. So we will begin with her."

The girl jumped when her name was called.

"Would you rather be loved by all or feared by all?"

I looked at her and she took a big gulp. "Loved by all."

The table cabinet opened revealing a suitcase. It opened by itself exposing the cash cards, makeup and other necessities.

"This will help you gather attractions and love."

"I mean, everyone loves money." I commented and she looked up at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Would you rather lose your passport or your smartphone?"

I smiled and took out my phone keeping it on the table. "Smartphone, which I didn't even realise that I had till now."

The table cabinet opened and the phone fell into it.

"Would you rather have a bird's saliva or cow's tongue?"

She gritted her teeth in disgust while fisting her hands over the table and answered. "Bird's saliva."

The table cabinet opened again exposing a shot glass with an off white liquid. She took the glass with her fingers and shit her eyes before gulping it all down.

She was about to puke but held back, covering her mouth. The cabinet opened again, this time taking the glass back.

"Would you rather have a ghost pepper or dried silk worms?"

I chuckled. "Seems like you guys know about my spice intolerance." I said and answered. "Silk worms."

A bowl with 4 big silk worms was there. I took the spoon and sighed deeply before eating them all.

"Would you rather have a barrel of wine or a huge amount of molten chocolate poured over you?"

The girl blinked before answering. "Wine."

Instantly the portion of the ceiling above her opened two doors and litres of red wine poured over her. She screamed and gasped while I was staring at her blankly.

"Would you rather be whipped twice by a steel hammer or five times by a leather belt?"

Leather won't leave scars for a lifetime so . . .

"Leather belt."

I saw a robot arm approaching me holding a leather belt. I turned my back to it.


I shut my eyes and smiled.




I didn't make a noise. I just silently took the hits.


I slowly opened my eyes and turned back to sit straight, facing the girl who was crying badly. I smiled at her when the mechanical voice spoke again.

"Would you rather slice your arm or graze your eye with a blade?"

"Arm! Arm!" She cried out and the host entered the room holding a knife. He placed it on the table.

The girl sniffled badly and took the knife before slicing her arm with it. Drops of blood started oozing out of her arm and then streams of blood flowed down her skin.

She was whimpering in pain while I stared at her with no emotions on my face.

"Would you rather take 10 slaps on your face or 10 punches on your abdomen?"

I looked at the host and smiled before standing in front of him. "Punch."

The host starts punching me mercilessly. After a few hits, I fell to the ground. I coughed when the host bent down to punch me hard.

I could hear the soft whimpers from the girl and then the host stood straight after punching me.

I laid on the ground, coughing. I touched my mouth to see the red liquid on my fingers.


I smiled and weakly stood up, moving back to my chair. I sat there while wiping my mouth.

"Would you rather get electrocuted yourself or get Kim Taehyung electrocuted?"

She looked up at me. I started at her darkly yet managed to give her a small smile. She shook her head while mumbling. "I'll get electrocuted myself."

The host made her wear a headband and attached the wire to the table and instantly she shook because of the electric current.

It stopped and she shivered while looking at me weakly. I stared at her blankly yet again.

"Would you rather have been stabbed by a knife on your chest or get Momoka Shin stabbed on her throat?"

The girl gasped. She looked at me with pleading eyes while shaking her head. "Please, no." I looked at her sternly before telling my answer.

"Get her stabbed."


Triple update today. Scroll down to read the other two parts.

Also, dedicated this chapter to one of my loyal reader who comments so many times on every chapters and supports me a lot.

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