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Taehyung gulped staring at himself in the mirror, he wondered if his eyes were really this red or was it just the lighting in his room.

"Master Taehyung!" one of the butlers entered his room.

"Everyone's waiting for you.." the butler in his 40s trailed off, looking at his young master up and down. A gentle smile settling on his lips while examining his appearance.

"Let them wait. How do I look Craig?" Taehyung questioned.

"Well in your words; very dashing" Craig laughed and so did Taehyung but he shook his head quickly and glared at the butler for him to behave a little bit more serious.

"All that aside, Master Taehyung. I really think you should come downstairs before your father..." Craig trailed off, not having any appropriate words to use for his boss.

Taehyung nodded and hugged the butler tightly before going downstairs.


"-t's surprising in itself but then again what can I expect from you" Taehyung stopped on his tracks hearing Seokjin's voice.

"Dad..." he finally called out for his father. The brunette's heart was hammering in his chest when everything once again dawned on him.

"Taehyung!"  Haesung stood up with a smile, a very proud look on his face as he stared at Taehyung.

The brunette did not know how to react, it was the first time his father was ever looking at him this way.

"Meet your soon to be husband, Jeon Jeongguk" Taehyung's eyes widened hearing that name.

Damn, who knew Jeon Jeongguk is corrupted too! Can you trust anyone in this world anymore?

Taehyung looked at the said male and was surprised to find him already satring at him. Taehyung did not know why but that empty, fierce gaze stirred something inside him. The Jeon Jeongguk he, till now, saw was someone who smiled in front of the cameras, with the most softest eyes.

Taehyung broke the eye contact and took a seat next to his father. The butterflies going wild inside his stomach warned him, his itchy skin did too but he was ignorant at the very moment.

"Well all you have to do is; sign these documents and you'll be husbands...lawfully" the brunette sitting next to Jeongguk spoke. 

"Great, let's get this over with" resonated the dark, deep voice in Taehyung's ears for the very first time. Jeon Jeongguk never spoke, even on cameras.

Taehyung didn't know he was holding his breath till Seokjin shook his arm to make him come back in reality. Taehyung looked at where Seokjin was pointing and he saw the documents opened in front of him and it seemed that Jeongguk had already signed those papers.

His panicking pupils moved towards his father who just passed him an encouraging smile. His hand trembled as he held the pen, it felt really heavy all of a sudden. The brunette closed his eyes, accepting his fate, with shaky fingers he signed the papers.

"Congratulations!!!! The Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Haesung are relatives now!!" Seokjin's loud voice boomed inside the room.

Taehyung watched as everyone stood up and started hugging each other while congratulating. His eyes moved to the older male sitting across from him, just a table separating them, his unbothered face irked Taehyung for some reason. 

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