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Salty that u guys chose "Agent Kim & Mafioso Jeon" over "Conflict"

Thank you so much for reading!💜



Adam shook the younger by his shoulder "Taehyung, hide! Do not come out, not until I come here to get you myself!! You're brave, you can do this. I love you!" hugged he the younger tightly.

Adam was not ready to lose another one of his best friends while he was still breathing and alive. He urged Taehyung to hide while he himself ran out of the section and down the stairs.

His eyes widened in horror as they fell on the now trashed place and the dead bodies of the servants lying on the ground.

One particular man sat on one of the couches, manspreading while his slender fingers played with his gun "Lock the bodies somewhere, I don't want him to see any of this" ordered he calmly as the men got to work, cleaning the blood spots as well.

Two bodyguards held Adam by both his arms and threw him in front of the raven.

Adam clenched his jaw and glared daggers at the man who punched him, hard enough to make his head tilt to the side, his brain spin and ears vibrate.

"Search the place and tell Taehyung I am here, Joon. If he doesn't want to come, leave him be but make sure to hint that his friend's life is in my hand" demanded the man as he watched his men tie the blond's hands and feet.

"Kang Adam, son of Mary Joseph and Lee Mingyu. Should I start by turning off your mother's lifeline in a certain hospital....... or by landing your father in the same hospital as your mother........ and then take your life?" asked the vicious man as his dull eyes bore into the widened blue ones, his gun pointed against the latter's forehead.

"H-how did you know?" asked the blond hesitantly.


"Taehyung, you're going to have to come out at some point. Jeongguk has lost it and your..... your father is no more" sighed Namjoon as he stood in front of the locked closet door, in which he was sure was the younger.

They had already searched the whole place and only this room's door was locked which they had to break down and now he stood in front of the locked closet.

Getting no response, Namjoon tried again "Your friend is in front of Jeongguk .....his life's in danger".

After a few seconds, a click was heard indicating that someone had unlocked the door. Namjoon sighed in relief, when they younger came out, crying badly.

Namjoon felt nothing but pity when he looked at Taehyung. He didn't deserve any of this. He took out his handkerchief and handed it to Taehyung who took it silently.

"Just keep quiet, ok? If he says something bad, ignore it. If he yells then just apologise, alright?" explained Namjoon, like he would a child, patting his head gently to encourage him.


Ignoring the blond's question, Jeongguk's eyes travelled to the stairs in interest, he stood up automatically and his heart picked up it's pace.

Taehyung wanted to die seeing the man in front of him, he walked towards him slowly, his eyes falling on the blond who had horror written across his face as he thought Jeongguk was going to hurt Taehyung.

Taehyung himself was terrified as he didn't know what to expect from Jeongguk. A part of him wanted to run away right then and there but he didn't want to leave Adam behind, besides it would prove to be useless.

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