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Thank you so much for reading!💜 :)

.This is probably gonna be the most fluffiest chap you'll get from me in this story but ya never know, so enjoy while it lasts ;)



"Do you have any plans for tonight?" reached the question the brunette's ears as he sat up confused, water tipping down his face from his wet strands of hair.

The maids, who were previously giving him a scalp message, stood up and moved to the side with their head bowed down.

"Do you normally sneak up on people like this?" asked Taehyung instead to which the older just passed him a playful smirk.

"I had planned on reading the book you so subtly left on the table this morning" replied the brunette sarcastically after a few seconds of silence making the older chuckle, realising that the younger was finally getting his humour.

The book was about a suicide and mystery that came along with it.

"I could spoil it for you on our way to the mall, so be ready by 10" stated the raven, throwing a towel above the younger's head gently before disappearing to God knew where, probably back in his office thought Taehyung.

The younger did not know what was happening but his so called husband had actually stopped bullying him which he was grateful for. He did not care if it was out of pity or whatever reason.

He shrugged the thoughts off, he was finally starting to push everything aside and concentrate himself and this time he was going to do it the right way, not with the prescriptions his Psychologist would hand him and he'd take them blindly.

He laid back down and the help got back to their work.


"Are you sure you're ok? You're actually letting me willingly accompany you somewhere" voiced Taehyung to the man next to him in the car who just smiled.

Taehyung wasn't going to lie, each time the man smiled he became ten folds more attractive and the intense gaze trickling through his eyes just aggravated his appearance even the more.

"I have some free time on my hands and staying home means being around which leads to your negative energy reaching me from across the west wing, I thought why not help us both" stated the raven bringing the other out of his chain of thoughts.

Taehyung instantly took back whatever words he had spoken in his mind. This man was menace to society. 

"I am not that negative!! For your kind information I am working on myself and I feel very good and positive" huffed the younger, staring outside the window distressed.

"And this is what I mean. Why be so sensitive? You get upset as fast as Minjun the past few days" revealed the man his observations.

"The past few days? Have you been keeping an eye on me?? Man, that's just straight up creepy" the younger again turned towards him, looking at him with his enlarged pupils in utter disbelief as the his husband just shrugged.

"It's not that complicated. You might not voice it out but it's crystal clear through body language and expressions. Like who gets sad and disappointed over the fact that they're having french cuisine for lunch when they themselves are the ones to order the chef to make that and then not making the leats bit of effort to even to taste it.......

Not to mention you standing in the patio yesterday observing the rain with the gloomy face I have ever seen. I could go on and on. The point is you're contriving yourself into believing you're alright when in fact you are not which is completely fine, alright. I am just failing to understand why you'd go to such lengths to deceive your own self. It's pathetic in my opinion" finished the raven, holding the brunette's eye contact.

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