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"Your daddy is hosting the game this year. I wonder what theme he'll be picking, oh and it's all live" informed the raven tilting his head towards Taehyung with a menacing smile hugging his lips.

Taehyung gulped hearing those words. His heart wanted to jump out of his body, his panicking eyes searched his lap for nothing, he watched as his fingers trembled terribly.

"We all have to place bids. I give my vote to you" spoke the older, looking at Namjoon who tapped on the huge screen and in a second numerous pictures of the 'Players' appeared on it.

"I- I don't want to. I wan-" Taehyung was interrupted rudely as Jeongguk held his chin upwards and turned his face to look at him properly.

"Maybe I wasn't specific enough? Let me ask again; would you like to be one of the players?" asked he with grave eyes. The brunette immediately shook his head in horror.

"Then you better choose now, princess" smiled he yet again. The brunette wasn't able to move at all, words refused to leave past his lips.

"I don't have all day, Jeon Taehyung" whispered Jeongguk in his ear making shivers run down his spine except they weren't pleasurable shivers but ones which indicated how terrified he felt.

With a heavy heart, without looking at screen he pointed at it.

"Hmm, let's bid on that one, Joon" exclaimed Jeongguk, holding out his card towards his executive who left immediately afterwards to make a few calls.

"Look at the person you chose, sweetheart" chuckled Jeongguk sarcastically as he stood on his feet to get himself a drink.

Taehyung didn't want to but he felt responsible for choosing whomever it was he just chose. His eyes widened when they came across a picture of a teenager. His lips parted as he turned towards Jeongguk to argue but the other just handed him the drink.

"Let's not ruin the mood, hm? It'll be fun, promise" smiled Jeongguk ruffling the younger's hair, messing it up.

"Are you the least bit in your senses??!! HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEA HO-"

"Continue and I'll put you on auction" interrupted Jeongguk, signailling with his dark eyes that Taehyung should keep quiet and sit down.

"And no, you do not get to leave. Sit down, lil' prince" muttered the man, gulping down his wine.

Irritated, annoyed and angry Taehyung sat down, biting his tongue to stop himself from screaming and potentially getting himself un-alived.

The countdown began on the huge screen.....

"Do you not have any morals?" questioned the younger quietly as sadness filled his chest.

"What the hell are those?" retorted the ravenette smirking, knowing well how much that response put the younger on edge.


5 minutes in and the younger still wasn't able to comprehend what was happening. All the 'players' were gathered around one spot and discussing their plans on how to get out of that place. 

Each of them seemed really scared and confused.

Taehyung's stomach churned as he watched the 16 or 17 years old boy looking at everyone helplessly from a corner. The boy seemed terrified.

"Can't you get the child out of there, at l-"

A loud bang interrupted Taehyung's sentence as his eyes moved back to the screen to see the boy dead. Blood gushing out of his forehead.

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