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Hiii everyone,

for some reason Wattpad doesn't allow me to post messages on anyone's board most of the times. It's a problem because most of you guys vote on my stories and if I am not able to thank you then I feel terrible, just like right now I am feeling terrible that I can't thank most of you.All I wanna say is I am sorry and I am very Thankful for your votes, your comments and you guys reading the stories! I appreciate that a lot and it honestly makes me really happy that you guys are enjoying my content.❤️
Thank you so so much lovely people and I am sorry once again for not being able to thank you all individually but unfortunately it is how it is.❤️❤️

Have an amazing day ahead, my sweets!!❤️✨


Thank you so much for reading!💜 :)



"Young master, what would like for l-lunch?" the maid gulped, her eyes never leaving the ground and head bowed.

"What are you asking me that? Make whatever you wanna, leave me out of this shit, lunch is the last thing I am worried about" ranted Taehyung, typing furiously on his laptop.

"I- I apologise but Master ordered t-to ask you about these matters" explained the maid, her whole being was quivering because she knew very well the things that go down in this mansion.

Taehyung gritted his teeth. He understood damn well the other did that just to annoy him and to rub salt on his wounds. To make him realise that he wasn't leaving any time soon.

Taehyung smirked, if Jeongguk wanted to play then who was Taehyung to back off....

"Make nothing" stated he smiling, at last taking his eyes from the screen.


"Exactly what you heard. I'll personally punish all the chefs and maids if I see anything made in lunch today" exclaimed the brunette.

Little did he know the game he was taking part in was just one step forward to his terrorising days in the Jeon Estate.


Jimin stared at the empty pots and plates on the dining table. He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing but he couldn't help himself.

"Damn, this hilarious but unfortunately Jeongguk is not home" smiled Jimin. He took seat in front of the brunette and stared at him as the other scrunched up his nose in annoyance.

Jimin was going to get up and leave but something made him stay seated.

"And there's no reason to punish you. Please make some ramyeon for us" spoke Taehyung to the maid, clearly disappointed.

"Jeongguk will be informed about this....not through me" started Jimin.

"Taehyung...this all is hilarious but for me, not for Jeongguk. He would have slit your throat and yes even if this is nothing, it's not for him. He hates it when someone challenges him or tries to outsmart him..." sighed Jimin, his goofy expression leaving his face.

"I'm telling you this because you have to be cautious. He's already got hot blood for your father and you. Look people like Jeongguk and your father are the ones who decide the destiny of people like you and me.....

They make decisions for us because they are capable of that. It's better to fit in rather than standing out and drawing their attention" finished Jimin getting up.

He doesn't do pep talk, in fact Jimin hated that but he felt as though the younger needed to know this and his position. He'd hate to see the boy crushed, his father spared him it seems but Jeongguk won't, feared Jimin.

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