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Jeon Jeongguk hated his life, more than anything but whom he had come to despise was Kim Haesung and his very own father. 

He had his reasons to do that and his way of getting back at the once two friends was to 'renew' the connection between him and Kim Haesung and that took place by marrying his precious son.

Though Jeongguk was not confident in his plan anymore. Haesung did not care for Taehyung as much Jeongguk thought he did and the boy clearly suffered from more than what he had imagined, besides the fact that he was kept in the dark about almost everything.

Including his very own mother.....

The once amusing glint that appeared in his eyes when Taehyung was in pain refused to show itself in his dark eyes. The once feeling of satisfaction lingering around his heart disappeared as well.

His onyx orbs kept moving here and there in darkness trying to organise the whole mess which had created itself in his brain over a single night.


The first thing Taehyung did after doing his morning routine was going downstairs to get himself something to drink. He could already tell by his headache that it was going to be a miserable day.

Although he was lost in his thoughts he did not miss Jeongguk leaning against the kitchen counter. The raven looked up to match his eyes with Taehyung's who immediately looked away and proceeded to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Do you know what today is?" asked Jeongguk blankly, not taking his eyes away from Taehyung who frowned upon his behaviour.

"Not really, just another day filled with shit that I do not want to face" replied the brunette, gulping the water down his throat.

"Get ready in about 3 hours" ordered Jeongguk and his feet turned in the opposite direction to leave but for some reason he did not step forward towards the door. He turned around once again and observed the male closely.

"I know a person named Lim Mihyun" stated he, his eyes watching the other closely, not wanting to miss any signal from his body language or expressions on his face.

"Congrats" muttered Taehyung with fake enthusiasm, looking back at the older with a blank expression hugging his features.

"Why are you being so weird? Go back to ignoring me" continued Taehyung brushing the older off as he walked around the counter and made his way towards the exit.

"I know a person named hyunie" 

And those words had Taehyung stop on his tracks, he turned his head to pass Jeongguk a death glare, his facial expressions cold like never before.

"Keep your long nose out of my fucking business, yeah? Concern yourself with my father, not me" warned the younger and left without another word.

No, Jeongguk wasn't angry because he was insulted instead he had things to investigate and Taehyung was going to be his key. Change of plans? Sure but nothing Jeon Jeongguk couldn't deal with.


Taehyung paced around the main living room downstairs in frustration. 3 hours Jeongguk had said but 4 hours had passed and there was no sign of the male. He was about to call Namjoon and give him an ear full but the one he was waiting for came into his view.

"You said 3 hours!" complained the brunette with an upset tone which the older paid no heed to, instead his focus was on the brunette's outfit.

"I got caught up. Go change into something black" by the tone and posture the younger realised the mean mafia boss was back.

As he was about to open his mouth to protest but the look he received from his husband was enough to make him purse his lips and stomp upstairs to change his outfit.


Taehyung was more surprised than one could imagine. For the first time ever he saw Jeongguk driving. Truth be told he was scared, who knew what the other would do to him.

Like, what if he lets the car get crashed into something with Taehyung in it, meanwhile he himself jumps out just in time to save his own self.

"Is it normal for you to get panic attacks" asked the older out of the blue as the brunette was staring out the window lost in his ridiculous chain of thoughts.

"Are you sure you are not high? You're actually speaking to me.... normally" laughed Taehyung, clearly amused for the first time because of the raven.

"The drug dealer doesn't touch his own drugs but you still haven't given me an answer" replied Jeongguk plainly.

Taehyung did not know why his smile fell. Maybe it was because of his husband's words or maybe it was because of how intensely the latter stared into his eyes as the car came to a halt.

"right, I am not obliged to answer you" answered the younger.

The raven slammed his hand against the steering wheel in exasperation but Taehyung just looked away and that's when he noticed they were next to a cemetery.

"Why are we here?" asked Taehyung curiously, his pupils widening in anxiousness.

"I am going to bury you alive here" whispered Jeongguk in his ear before getting out of the car and slamming his side of the door shut. 

Taehyung shivered because of the dark voice and held onto his seatbelt for dear life, not daring getting out.

Jeongguk opened his side of the door scowling.

"Why aren't you getting out?" asked he aggrieved, leaning down to look at him.

"I- am good here, just do your business and come back" exclaimed the brunette stuttering, making the other chuckle in disbelief.

"I am not going to kill you, now come out before I lose my mind, Jeon Taehyung" the irked Jeongguk warned his husband.

"But I don't trust you" mumbled Taehyung, unfortunately the latter heard it clearly.

That's how Jeongguk ended up carrying a screaming and squirming Taehyung inside the cemetery.

"Put me down!! You're embarrassing me in front of spirits!!!" complained the younger, hitting the older's shoulder to make him let go which did not work.

"You can apologise to them for this inappropriate act when you yourself become a spirit" retorted Jeongguk glaring down at him.

At last after a lot of insults and shouting they reached where they were suppose to and Jeongguk threw Taehyung on the ground making him scream. He would have cursed but he figured it would be unholy in front of so many spirits.

The younger annoyingly dusted off his clothes and turned towards the grave. It was surrounded by many fresh flowers, like they were just put there a few hours ago.

"Kim Haeun" pronounced the brunette the name written on the gravestone disoriented.

"Kim Haeun, my father's best friend, Kim Haesung's wife and ........ your mother" exclaimed Jeongguk making Taehyung turn his head in his direction in the speed of light with eyes widened and lips parted in disbelief.



Any thoughts?

How are you all doing? Anything new?

Have a wonderful day ahead, lovely people!💜


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