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When Taehyung made no effort to use his vocal chords Jeongguk continued speaking to clear up the fog of confusion surrounding the younger's brain.

"Today is her death anniversary. Initially I thought you knew but turns out you have no clue" the older's voice was emotionless as he spoke, staring directly into Taehyung's soul through his eyes.

Taehyung huffed out of exasperation looking away from the older. Instinctively his knees gave in and he was kneeling in front of the grave.

"Why did you bring me here? What advantages do you have through me knowing this information?" inquired the younger, after a good 5 minutes pause.

"I gain nothing out of this. Just thought you should know, the woman doesn't deserve to vanish from everyone's memory just like that, especially not from her son's" shrugged the older casually, joining the younger in kneeling down.

Taehyung hummed staring at the grave's tombstone......

"My father didn't allow anyone to talk about her at all around me. There are no pictures of her, never even were as I grew up. Talking about her was like digging your own grave. Till this day I do not know a single thing about the woman who gave birth to me...... Her birthday, her death anniversary, her anything" 

explained the brunette, his fingers playing with the soil underneath them. He titled his head towards Jeongguk with a smile decorating his pretty face.

"I hated her for some time because she gave birth to me and left to make me suffer but I realised how stupid I was being for having that kind of mentality. I was desperate to know about her, even a little bit, but then I stopped because she's not even a random person in my life. Basically a nobody. I have no connection whatsoever with this particular person laying down here" 

confessed he but he was puzzled seeing the scowl hug Jeongguk's face instantly after he finished talking.

"And I thought you were worth something" snickered the older pissed which Taehyung did not understand the reason for.

The older pushed his feet against the soiled ground and pushed himself up. he was simply disappointed in the boy in front of him, this ignorant boy, oblivious, stupid. 

Jeongguk turned around starting to walk away from Taehyung and the grave. The younger hurriedly stood up and followed after the older.

"Dude, what's wrong? Why are you pissed suddenly? It's suppose to be my mother" blabbered the conflicted Taehyung. He thought they were cool but apparently they weren't.

"Exactly, she's your mother. Do you have the slightest idea what she has done for you?! I lack empathy and so do you, you actually deserve whatever's coming your way, just like I do" 

gritted Jeongguk angrily, turning around abruptly and grabbing Taehyung by the shoulders, leaning down to match their eyes as he spoke those words.

Taehyung just pursed his lips in a straight line, not knowing what to say or do. He was stunned by the emotions lacing Jeongguk's words, most of the time it was just hatred which reflected in every word he spoke with Taehyung but for the first time there was more.

There was actual sadness lacing those words and he wasn't screaming nor was his tone ridiculously calm before the storm.

A sudden ache passed through Taehyung's heart, stabbing it like a knife would. Immense guilt washed over him as he thought about his mother.

Sure, the woman wasn't here with him but she must have loved the unborn him to have given birth to him. Most of the time the doctors inform the pregnant ladies if there're going to be any difficulties proceeding with the pregnancy and since his mother died in child birth.... she must have known beforehand that her life was going to end if she gave birth to him.....

Yet she still did...... she went through with it.

The older let go of him when he realised the younger wasn't going to say anything in his defence. He got in the car and so did Taehyung.

The brunette glanced beside him cautiously to see the older's facial muscles hardened.

"It's wrong of me to be this insensitive. I am sorry" apologised the younger, unconsciously puckering his lips in distress as he tried to stop himself from having a whole breakdown in front of this devil.

Jeongguk glanced at him for a mili second before turning his eyes back on the road.

"Why are you apologising to me?" asked the raven emotionlessly.

"I was apologising to her ghost. I am sure it can hear me" replied the brunette seriously.

"My case aside, why are you so delicate about this?" inquired Taehyung further.

"Am just an idiot, do ignore my being" the nonchalant tone of the latter's made Taehyung groan and push his head back against the headrest. 


They arrived in the Jeon Estate and the brunette dashed to his room, wanting to desperately leave the suffocating car, leaving Jeongguk to roll his eyes in aggravation.

The raven stepped in the main hall to be greeted by one of his executives, Kim Namjoon.

"Bad news" stated Namjoon, handing him a small bag containing some medicines.

"Benzodiazepines, Beta-blockers, Tricyclic antidepressants and Narcotic painkillers" listed Namjoon.

Jeongguk eyes widened as he listened to Namjoon.

"Great! Perfect! Just what I had suspected" chuckled Jeongguk humourlessly. He dismissed Namjoon and marched his way upstairs.

He arrived to see Taehyung looking through his clothes. 

"Have you been taking your medicines?" asked Jeongguk with a stoic expression but the younger didn't notice since he walked further in his closet and Jeongguk followed after him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" brushed off Taehyung and Jeongguk had had enough.

Jeongguk grabbed his wrist and pulled the younger towards himself before pressing his back against the wall they were standing next to.

"What is wrong with you?!" shouted the brunette irritated.

The older's hold on his wrist tightened as the younger tried to squirm away from his hold.

"Seokjin demanded that I make you take your meds" hissed the raven, his expressions cold and so was his voice.

"Fuck you and Seokjin altogether. I willingly took them and I want to get off now!" exclaimed the brunette trying to push the other away with his free hand.

"So you can have one of your fucking episodes?!" questioned the raven with grave eyes.


Taehyung was shouting, thinking how ridiculous this whole situation was but he was cut off abruptly by the latter grabbing his jaw harshly, with his free hand before attaching their lips. 

The brunette might have forgotten how to breath. His eyes widened as his brain tried to process what was happening. 

As soon as he came to his senses his features contoured in disgust as he tried to wriggle away but unfortunately he failed in freeing himself.



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How are you guys btw?

Have a wonderful day ahead, lovely people!💜


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