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"I don't understand why you are upset.... I am trying to but it just doesn't make sense" voiced Jeongguk barely above a whisper as he stared at the brunette who had his back turned towards him while he looked for something in his closet.

"Maybe because it's not everyday your step brother tries to shoot you. On top of that your husband had agreed to execute the plan with him" glared Taehyung turning around before resuming his search.

"Can't really relate since Hoseok's been tryna kill me all my life and you know that things weren't good to be exact between us, so it's not that" replied the man approaching the younger one before turning him around to face him.

The brown eyes refused to meet the onyx ones as they only concentrated on the carpeted floor.

"Taehyung?" called out the older, shaking him slightly by his shoulders but the younger was being stubborn "Tae? How can you expect me to fix this when you're refusing to share the problem?" tried to reason the raven gently as the other pushed him away.

"My problem is you. Why did you put yourself in front of me?? Why did you not let him shoot me?? Why did you say those words when you don't even mean them but it felt like you meant them??? Why do you say things like that?? What did you mean by what you told me in that alley??!" bursted Taehyung breathing heavily as the raven watched him amused.

"Isn't it obvious? I don't hate you anymore! What's there to be upset about? Things are actually good between us" replied Jeongguk tilting his head with a smile playing on his lips.

Taehyung looked at him sharply before huffing, turning around continuing to search for his necklace.

"You don't believe me? Why are you still behaving this way? Look, I am not used to-"

"Used to what?"

"Why are you being so snappy for no reason??" asked Jeongguk angrily, he was not liking this attitude at all since he has never had to deal with it all his life.

"Because your words and eyes don't align!" hissed Taehyung, kneeling down to check the drawers.

"Ridiculous!" commented the raven following the other, standing next to him, looking down at him as he leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

"Fine! I'm wrong, leave me alone" agreed the younger, his hands messing up the once organised accessories.

He sat on the ground, defeated. Pushing his bangs back just to have them fall back on his forehead, making him groan.

The older kneeled down next to him, cupping his face and making him look up. His lips were puckered because of the man cupping his face, eyes glaring furiously into Jeongguk's own and nose scrunched in discomfort. Jeongguk chuckled not being able to stop himself.

"Fine, I might have started to like you a little bit but just a little bit" admitted the raven leaning forward till the tips of their noses were touching.

Taehyung gulped averting his eyes. Why were Jeongguk's eyes always so intensely raking over him? They made him nervous for no reason.

The raven pecked the brunette's plump lips to bring him back from his dream world. Taehyung stared at the smiling man for a few seconds, realising it was really Jeon Jeongguk, the one who was as merciless as the devil himself.

"Is it your first time liking someone romantically?" tilted his head the brunette with a raised brow, pulling away before standing up.

"What were you looking for?" asked Jeongguk instead, standing up as well.

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