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A/N: it's finally here! My next chapter! I am so so sorry minna for taking so long! 💔 I just got done with my state, and semester tests. Yay! (totally sarcastic) I've been really busy and my wifi was shut off. But with school over and the fact that know have a phone, I can get back to writing! Enjoy!

I woke up to a pacing Lucy muttering to herself. I slowly stood up, bad idea. She snapped her head towards me and glared.
"Oh great, you're awake." She growled. I put my hands up in defense.
"Calm down, Luce," I said. She gave me a glare.
"Don't call me 'Luce'. It's your fault that we're up here!" She began to pace again.
"Hey! It is not!" I shot back.
"Oh but it is your fault! You're the one who dragged me up here!" Lucy snapped. She sighed and sat on the wall.
"Oh, we're gonna miss practice!" She whined. I walked over to the wall and crouched in front of her.
"Hey, I'll find us a way off the roof, okay?" I said, putting my hand on her knee.
"You better," she pouted. I stood up and took a good look of the fairly large roof.

I stood at the door of the drama room, waiting for Lucy. I checked my phone once again. I heard Erza step behind me.
"Lucy's never this late." I muttered, turning to her. She bit her lip and pondered for a moment.
"We'll have to start without them." she turned to the rest of the room. "Anyone know where Natsu or Lucy are?" She inquired, earning several 'No's, she sighed.
"Okay let's get started!" Mira yelled, cheerfully clapping her hands. I looked to my phone for the last time before walking to my seat.

I watched Natsu carefully. He was deep in thought, but it was obvious he wasn't getting anywhere. I sighed and stood.
"What have ya got?" I asked, brushing any dirt or dust of my pants.
"Calling?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No one'll pick up."
"Damn." he breathed.
"That your only plan?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes.
"We could drop something off the side of the rooftop," he suggested.
"But what?" I asked, he only smirked. I had really bad feeling about this.
He walked past me to the small wallet I kept, that was now sitting on the wall. I was right. he dug around before pulling out my favorite lipstick.
"I'll pay you back," he said, going to the side of the roof.
"H-hey!" I shrieked. To late. He dropped it. "M-my lipstick... that one was my favorite.." I whispered. Thankfully, he did get someone's attention. After a couple moments of yelling, he excitedly jumped up and down. I, however was still caught up in the whole ' losing my favorite lipstick' phase.
"That was a present from Levy.." I mumbled. Natsu only rolled his eyes.
Within a few minutes a young man, a couple years younger, opened the door. Natsu laughed hystericallyand pulled the poor boy into a bone crushing hug and running down the stairs. I gave the kid a smile and a pat on the back before chasing after Natsu.

I was halfway through the explanation of how we were going to pull off the play when the door bursted open. A flash of pink flew through the room before Natsu was right beside me, a huge smile on his face.
"We're free!" He screamed. Just then, Lucy crashed in.
"No thanks to you guys!" She put in, pointing to everyone in the room.
"What the hell happened!?" Sting asked, looking from Lucy to Natsu.

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