New school

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A/N: this is my first story, hope you like it! Pairings: Nalu, gale, gruvia, jerza, and miraxus.


Lucy woke up in a all to comfortable, new bed. "Wake up, hime. It's the first day at your new school. Can't be late!" Virgo, Lucy's maid, said while violently shaking her awake.

"I-I'm up! You can go now Virgo. And no, no punishment." Lucy said tiredly. Virgo frowned slightly and left, mumbling about how she never gets punishment. Lucy, on the other hand, was slowly getting up and taking her time to get dressed in a yellow and gray uniform. She pulls her bangs into a smal ponytail before going down for breakfast.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Sting smirked.

"Sting, play nice." their mother said sweetly. He was her half brother, different dads. Their mom and his dad divorced and his dad took custody over Sting. But his father died later on and Layla was happy to take him in.

"Exactly, I'm just playing" Sting said looking at his mom.

"Smartass," Jude mumbled with a smirk on his face, this made both Lucy and Layla laugh.. Sting only made a fake pout and said ouch before looking back at Lucy. She sat at the table next to Sting and began eat her bacon and eggs.

"So Luce, do you want me to drive you to school? I got my license a couple days ago." Sting smiled at Lucy. Lucy frowned and shook her head.

" I'm not in the mood to die today. I mean it's the first day of school and I'd like to be there with all limbs intact." Lucy said bluntly before popping the last piece of bacon in her mouth. Jude chuckled while Lucy called for Capricorn to get the car. Lucy grabbed her bag before making her way to the front door, saying her goodbyes and leaving for the day.


"Hey Levy, I'm gonna need you to give the new girl a tour of the school today, I'm busy plannig for the upcoming festival. Her name is Lucy Heartfilia." Erza said while sitting in the conference room with the rest of the student council.

"I'm busy right now. Besides, that's not my division." Levy said calmly as she read one of her favorite books. The room went still, everyone afraid to disrupt the up coming battle. Erza only smirked.

"It's either that or take a little visit the detention room to get Gajeel. I need his help with some plans." Erza said, looking at a document Jellal had given her. Her smirk didn't waver.

"O-on second thought, my schedule just cleared up. So what's this Lucy look like and where do I meet her?" Levy squeaked. Erza and Jellal just laughed.


Lucy walked torwards the large school. She was to dazed To notice the boy in front of her. Face planting into his back, she fell to the ground. "Ouch," She mutter before look up.

"Sorry!" She said looking at the boy apologeticly. The boy had raven hair and a nice build. His tie laid on his neck, untied and his shirt was unbuttoned.

"It's fine. Are you okay? You took quite a fall there. The name's Gray, Gray Fullbuster, by the way." Gray said, extending a hand to her. She took it.

Fullbuster. A wealthy family, Lucy thought. It's high on the list with mine. The eldest heir is supposed to be engaged to the Lockser heiress, Juvia. Juvia and Lucy are old friends. Is Gray the one getting married to her?

"Thanks. My name is Lucy Heartfilia. And uh... Gray? Your.. Clothes.." She said bashfully. Gray frowned and looked down. His eyes widened and he quickly began to button his shirt back up, muttering 'shit' repeatedly in the process.

Lucy couldn't help but giggle. Gray looked back at her, a light blush on his cheeks. He was about say something when someone interrupted their little 'moment'.

" Hey! Hey stripper! Get over here!" A boy with pink hair shouted. Gray rolled his eyes before looking at Lucy apologeticly. She only smiled.

"It was nice to meet you, Lucy. I hope I see ya around! I'M COMIN' FLAME BRAIN!" Gray said. He winked at Lucy before slowly walking to 'Flame Brain'.

"WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME ICE PRINCESS?!?" Flame Brain yelled back. Then, an all out fight began. Everyone was just walking around them like it happened all the time.

Lucy giggled to herself before turning around and almost running into someone, again. It was a girl. Her frame was small and she had short blue hair, a yellow bandana was pulling most of the stray hairs from her face, and pretty hazel eyes as well.

"Oh! Sorry. Are you Lucy Heartfilia?" The girl asked. She seemed scared for some reason, though Lucy figure out why. Lucy gave warm smile and nodded.

"Great! My name is Levy Mcgarden, I'll be giving you a tour of our school. If you have any questions or need help, just ask me I'll be there!" Levy's attitude seemed to Chang all to quickly. But Lucy couldnt help but feel happy she had already made a new friend!

Mcgarden. Wealthy family as well, Lucy thought. Levy is also on the cutest and wealthiest bachelorette list. But her parents are finding a man to marry her of to, sad.

"Thank you Levy, that's so kind of you!" And with that, Levy and Lucy became amazingly great friends within fifteen minutes.


Levy had dragged Lucy up three flights of stairs to the roof saying that there was an awesome view and that she wanted Lucy to meet her friends.

"And here are... My.. Friends.." Levy trailed off as she looked at the chaotic bunch she called 'friends'.

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