Cars, Deals, And A Walk In The Park

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A/N: This chapter (And maybe the next one as well) revolves around Gray and Juvia and their arranged marriage. Hope you like it! <3


After I bid Lucy, Nastu, and Sting a goodbye, Gray and I walked a block past the school, as usual. A deep blue Ferrari was parked at a small grocery store. Gray took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the doors, a small smile coming across his lips. He always had an unhealthy sense of pride for that car, I hated that.

"Juvia can't wait till she get her Porsche.. Italian leather, one of a kind black paint job, V6 engine, not to mention the mileage!" I sat in the car just as Gray started it, continuing to ramble on about my dream car, for two good reason. To prove a point and to mock gray. A couple days ago, Gray said I didn't know a thing about cars, that there was almost nothing about them in that 'pretty' head of mine. I ignored the fact he called me pretty and made a deal with him. If I could fix the muffler in Lyon's car within a week, he would get me my dream car.

"Oh and the tires! Don't even get me star-"

"Enough! I get it! Youre confident that you're gonna get the Porsch. But just you wait, you are goin to loose." he said, making figerous hand gestures and driving. I laughed. We drove in silence for a while. Everyday we go to my house after school, Gray's parents are always there.

"So. When does our 'deal' set in motion?" I asked looking him.

"Two weeks. Lyon's out of town and will be for another week... The other week I will spend convicting him to let you work on his baby." Gray answered, not taking his eyes off the rode. I nodded, before realizing something.

"You still haven't told him yet?!" I yelled. He scratched the back of his head.

"I-I'm not going to disrupt his only vacation from school!" he argued. I rolled my eyes. What if he doesn't let me work on his car?!

"If you don't get Lyon to let Juvia work on his car, you are will so be buying her the Porsche.." I muttered.

"Alright, alright." he said before pulling to my long drive way. Gray put the car in park and jumped out, running around the car and opening my door for me. He extended a hand, which I gladly took. We walked up the steps to my door, I quickly unlocked it. We walked in to see our parents playing monopoly. Mother looked up and smiled.

"Look who's here. What took you two so long?" Mother asked kindly.

"We were just at school a little longer than usual, nothin big." Gray answered, plopping down on the couch and grabbing a handful a chips from the bowl on the table. I sat on the love set and watched them finish their game.

"Huh.. Last time that happened to me, Ultear was born.." Ur smirked. We bursted into a blush

"Ur!" Mother gasped, she only laughed. Mother and Ur were to close for either of them to be phased by it though. Gray frowned, popping another chip in his mouth

"Speaking of which, where is Ultear?" Gray asked.

"She's with Meredy. She wanted to go to some new amusement park." Ur replied. Gray shrugged. Watching them socialize was beginning to get boring, I sighed.

"Juvia's gonna change and go on a walk Kay?" I said, standing up and going to the stares. I head several replies, so I continued going on my way.


The park closest to my house was beautiful. Vast amounts of rainbow Sakura trees, a large stream ran through the middle of the park, a wooden bridge over it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the scent of Sakura blossoms. I always come here when I need to clear my head from emotions. I sighed.

"Lucy.. Poor thing" I mumbled, walking to the bridge. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I can't stand even thinking about what she went through.

The soft sound of the water's movement and the scent of the cherry blossoms made me want to never leave. A small smile crept its way to my lips. I stood still, leaning on the railing of the bridge.

"I can see why you like this place, it's beautiful.." I jumped and looked to my left. There, on the railing, sat Gray. He smirked.

"Come on, your mom wanted me to get you... Did you know you've been standing there for exactly-" he paused, looking at his watch. "Ten minutes. You've been in that spot for ten minutes." he said, a sense of suprise and impressiveness coming from him. I rolled my eyes.

"And you've been watching me the entire time, right?" I asked.

"Exactly- wait what?" he blushed I laughed. I walked past him, ruffling him hair as I did.

"Come. Mom is looking for Juvia, Correct?" I asked. He ran after me mumbling about how I shouldn't ruffle someone's hair when their taller than you or something like that. I giggled as we walked down the small path. Our hands swaying back and forth, constantly brushing against each other. I like this, I thought. I like this a lot.

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