Missing and Depression

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A/N: thanks for the reads! Almost to 200!


I sighed. Three days had past since I had told Natsu and the others about what happened before I moved here, Natsu immediately went ballistic. He got way over protective. 

"Don't you think you're goin' a bit to far on this 'protecting me' thing?" I asked, completely annoyed. Natsu's arm was wrapped protectively around my waist as we walked through the halls, earning weird looks. i blushed while natsu shot glares at anyone who dared to 'challenge' him.

"Nope." Natsu answered, popping the 'p'. I glared at him. We walked to a small hallway that was almost never used. this was where our friends met. Already there were Levy, Jellal, Erza- who was blushing like crazy because of Jellal-, Mira, Lissana- Who were fangirling because of them-, Gray, and Juvia. I frowned, Levy didn't look like herself for some reason. I walked over to her and smiled.

"Levy-chan! What's wrong?" I asked. She looked up and smile as well- though I could tell it was fake.

"Nothing Lu-chan!" she said, faking enthusiasm. I didn't point it out because I knew no one else could hear it. 

"Okay." I said, with that I left her. I went back to Natsu, who was already fighting wih Gray. I couldn't stop trying wondering what was wrong with Levy.. What's wrong with her? I hope everthing turns out fine..


I looked around for my closest friend. I frowned.

"Have you guys seen Levy?" I asked. They shook their heads, I sighed.

"I'll help you find her." Gajeel grumbled. I smiled as he stood from his seet and walked with me around the courtyard. I kept my eyes peeled for anything small and blue.

After wasting most of our lunch time, I sighed and plopped down on a small bench. Gajeel sat next to me.

"Where the hell could shrimp be?!" he whined. For some reason, i couldn't stop tink about how this could relate to what happened this morning..


During lunch, I sat underneath a small tree back behind the school. I don't know why but I just couldn't be happy today. there were a lot of days like this. I usually powered through it, faked a smile. But today was different. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't smile.

"What's wrong with me?!" I muttered to myself

"Depression. It happens to the best of us.." a familiar voice answered. I jumped and whirled around to see someone i didn't expect at all..

A/N: Cliffhanger! sorry it's short but i'm tierd and i've been getting busier and busier.. updating might take more time.. Sorry!

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