Learning The Past

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We entered the small drama room, emidiately starting a commotion. Everyone was shouting, asking for answers. Some wanted to know what they heard, some wanting to know if she was okay, others wanting to know what caused it. Lucy was tackled by the small Levy. Gajeel sighed and walked over to them and pried Levy off of Lucy while Natsu helped her up. Erza and Mira grabbed me by the collar and asked me questions over and over. I sighed.

"Alright. Alright!" I yelled. The commotion stopped. I continued. "I don't even know what happened okay? Stop tackling me and Natsu for answers. Lucy hasn't told us what happened-" I glared at her, she quickly looked away in guilt. I knew exactly what happened, but they needed to hear it from Lucy. Not me.

"Why don't we just ask Lucy what happened?" I asked. They hesitated before looking to Lucy for answers.


I didn't want them to know my past. I'd hoped that it would never come up.. Dammit Dan! I took a deep breath and began to tell my story.


I was a freshman and my family lived in the small town of Cedar. It was supposed to be temporary, but we ended up staying for two years. Sting and I were pretty popular in school. (There weren't very many wealthy people in Cedar.) One of the few wealthy families were the Straights. Their son, Dan, was also a popular student. Though he had a reputation for being a playboy.

Dan and Sting easily became best friends. As several months past, our parents grew close aswell. They decided to merge the companies. In order to do that, they planed a marriage between Dan and I. I was happy to oblidge because I had a small crush on the playboy. Dan on the other hand, was hesitant to give up his reputation. So our parents sent me, Dan, and Sting (Our chaperon) on a small vacation to Akane Resort for the holiday break. Two weeks. Alone. With HIM.

During the first week, Sting was always out. (Akane Resort is also where Sting and Yukino met. Just so you know) He was either adventuring, or with Yukino. Since Sting was always out, Dan and I got closer and closer. I fell for the playboy tricks he played on me. On a beautiful Saturday night, Dan asked me out. After that, we were head-over-heals for each other. The second week, Sting and Yukino couldn't leave us alone in a room together. By the time the two weeks were up, we were convinced we were 'in love'. Though our parents said not to tell anyone we were dating.

A year went by and I was a sophomore, Dan a junior. Over time, Dan... Changed. He stopped hanging with Sting and his other friends. He started hanging out with the delinquent students. There were times when he would call me and sound drunk or stoned. After a couple months, things got worse. When we went on dates, he would come drunk and he took things.. To far. Then he got aggressive, threatining me, yelling, and hurting me. He even began telling rumors about me being a slut. People made fun of me behind my back. Before long, I had no friends, I couldn't trust anyone, and Dan continued to make more and more marks on my skin

I kept it in for so long, until one of Sting's perverted friends came over and spied on me while I changed. When he asked Sting about it, he was severely punished before Sting came to me. I pored everything out to him. The next day at school, Sting readied himself to kick Dan's ass. He searched every where for him, only to find out Dan and his family had fled to America due to their little schemes they pulled with other companies. If Dan and I had gotten married, we would've been next.

After that little incident, my heart was completely broken. For the rest of the year, I was home schooled while Sting finished his year in the public school. As soon as the year was over, we moved to Magnolia.


I didn't notice I was crying until Natsu pulled me into a hug, whispering soothing words in my ear. I completely broke. I threw my arms around Natsu and within five seconds, became a sobbing mess. He brought me to the couch and sat me down. I could hear the soft sniffles of the girls (and Elfman, who was muttering 'crying is man')

"Dan's back from America and has one thing in mind. Getting Lucy... What you heard was the out break of Dan not getting his way." Sting finished. I could fell every boy in the room go still. I knew all they wanted was me to be safe. Most of them were like brothers to me after all.

"He can try all he wants. He WON'T get MY Lucy." Natsu growled. I blushed.

"Natsu's right- besides the last part- Dan is NOT getting Lucy. He's already hurt her enough." Levy said sternly, earning nods from everyone else. Something swelled in my heart. I sniffles and smile as I sat on the small couch in the room. I could fell more tears coming.

"YEAH! That bastard isn't getting any where near our Lucy!" Mira cried. Everyone cheered. Once again, I broke. Everyone stopped and looked at me. Complete worry in their eyes.

"Aww.. Lucy, we didn't mean to make you cry!" Yukino whined, bringing me into a bone crushing hug. I cried more.

"N-no! Th-these are t-tears of j-joy!" I cried. They laughed and brought me into a group hug, I laughed. There was a moment a silence as we hugged each other.

"Did someone fart?" Natsu asked. We all emidiately let go of each other, laughing hard. Erza, Mira, Levy, and the other girls getting mad at Natsu for ruining the moment. Gray, Elfman, Sting, Laxus, Jellal, Rouge, and Gajeel were arguing about who farted. I stood there laughing at what was supposed to be Fairy Tail new 'Drama Crew'.

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