Birthday Part 1- You Are My SunShine.

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A/N: Oh dear lord.. 400 reads!! Thank you so much!!


Sunday morning, I woke to a small weight on my stomach. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I saw a flash of something long and blue before it began to jump on me excitedly.

"Lucy-chan, Lucy-chan!" a light and cheery voice rang through my room.

"W-wha..?" I asked, have asleep. I rubbed the sleep for my eyes to see little Wendy bouncing on top of me.

"W-Wendy what are you doing here?" I was to dazed to notice Natsu coming and sitting at my bedside.

"Nii-chan is taking us out to shop and eat for my birthday! Come on Lucy-chan!" Wendy jumped of me and began chanting the same thing over and over again. I laughed and sat up.

"Wendy, calm down. Give her some time to get dressed." I heard Natsu chuckle- wait, Natsu?

"Oi! Natsu, get out of my room!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"What's the big deal? I've been in here multiple times." he grumbled

"Shut up and get put!" I yelled and threw my pillow at him. He caught it with ease and laughed.

"Come on, Wendy. Let's wait for her to get dressed." he smiled, Wendy happily obliged and challenged Natsu to a race. I giggled and yelled after them.

"Happy Birthday, Wendy!"

I stood from the bed and gave a long stretch. I sighed and walked to my closet. After putting on my clothes, I braided my hair and added a bit of make up. Grabbing my wallet and keys, I ran down stairs. Wendy and Natsu were lounging in the living room. Suprisingly, both our parents were there.

"Lucy dear! I hear Natsu's takin' you and little Wendy out, is that true?" Gradenney asked, a wide smile on her face. I smiled as well.

"Yes Mrs. Dragneel, though I don't know where we're going. No one informed me of of the details. As a matter of fact, no one informed of of anything." I turned and scolded the two siblings. They shrank in their seats.

"Oh please Lucy dear, call me Grandenney or something. No need to be formal, you will soon be my daughter-in-law, after all." she gave a smile and I nodded.

"Yes Mrs- Grandenney."

"Good!" she said and turned back to Mother.

"Natsu, let's go!" Wendy cheered. He gave a nod and stood up, extending to me. I gladly took it and he dragged me to his car, Wendy far infront of us. We got into the car and natsu put the key in the ignition.

"Alright, where to Wendy?" Natsu asked, looking at her through the review mirror.

"Umm.. Oh! How about Mira-chan's cafe? I like he cookies!" Wendy smiled.

"Mira's cafe it is!" Natsu yelled, turning the key and letting the engine hum to life.



We walked into the cafe, the sweet smell of Mira's cooking ran through the entire shop.

"Mira-chan!" Wendy ran to Mira and hugged her.

"Happy birthday Wendy!" Mira sang. Lucy frowned.

"Wait. How does Mira know its Wendy's birthday?" she asked.

"The Strauss family are good friends with us Dragneels. Mira has been celebrating Wendy's birthday with us since she was born." I explained. Lucy gave a small nod.

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