Surprises, Lightning Storms, And Comfort

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A/N: I decided to do 1st person point of view.. Hope you like it!


I woke to a bright light piercing through my eyelids. I groaned and rolled over.

"There's no school today. Let me sleep!" I grumbled. Today was Friday yet for some reason, school had been canceled.

"We have a guest Lev. Get up and dress in some thing fancy." I heard Mom say sweatly.

"Do I have to?" I groaned while sitting up to look at her.

"That would be best. I don't think you'd want to embarrass yourself infront of family friends do you?" Mom asked. I nodded. " I don't know which one that nod was directed to but okay.. They're down stairs so come down when you're ready." Mom said as she walked out. I sighed and took a long stretch before going to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, I put on a orange dress with a white bow and white trimming. (A/N: the one she wears in the anime) I pulled my messy hair back with a bandanna. As I walked down the stairs I heard laughter and voices. One struck all to fimiliar. It was low and ruff, yet soft.

"Gajeel.." I murmerd to myself. I could see him, lounged on the couch nearest the stairs as he listened intently to a story Father was telling about me when i was a kid. I steped off the last stair and saw Gajeel's ear perk up turned around and smirked.

"Yo Levy. You'll never believe what they just told me.. I'll be staying here for the weekend!" Gajeel faked his enthusiasm, I could see it in his eyes. But that didn't stop me from going on a rampage.

"Y-you can't possibly be serious!?" I shouted. Gajeel's father gave both of us an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry Levy. But I need to go on a business trip and I can't trust Gajeel after what happened last time." gajee's father scolded him, though he didn't pay much attention. Instead, he stared at me. I couldn't help but notice a very small blush on his cheeks.

"Levy, Gajeel needed a place to stay were he could be monitored and not get into trouble. We gladly took him in, don't be disrespectful." Dad said. I left to go back up stairs, grumbling all the way.

When I reached my room, I couldn't help but slam my door. Gajeel was always so mean to me! Why of all the places did they come here? I sighed and fell on my bed, drifting back to sleep.


After a hour of sleeping, I went back down stairs. I hoped what had happened was all just a bad dream. I sat on the couch and looked around, noticing it was all to quiet. In the corner sat some sort of box with holes in it. I frowned and looked closer, finally realizing it was a pet carier. A small noise came from it. I got up and slowly looked inside. A small grayish cat sat in the back corner, whimpering. I opened the cage and took him out. He purred and curled closer to me.

"He seems to like you. He usually hates strangers.." A ruff voice cut through the silence, making me jump. I whirled around and saw Gajeel towering over me. I sighed. So it wasn't a dream.. I thought.

I stood up, the cat still in my hands. Gajeel smiled at the cat and put a calloused hand on its head. It purred loudly with its eyes closed.

"His name is Pantherlilly. He was a stray." Gajeel said as he pet the cat. For someone so large and evil looking, he was so gentle.

"Why'd you leave him in the cage?" I asked, frowning.

"He has a huge fear of thunder and a thunder storm is coming. It's better to keep him in the cage." Gajeel answered. Lightning. A thunder storm? Oh no!

" I-I'll take him! He can stay with me until the storm passes!" I answered. Pantherlilly wasn't the only one afraid of thunder..

"Sure I guess" Gajeel said, frowning at my reaction. Usually I had my mom or dad to lay with me until storms like this passed. I know, I'm a baby.. Where are my parents?

"Hey Gajeel, do you know where my parents are?" I asked before going up stairs.

"They said they were on a date." Gajeel said while sitting on the couch and turning on the TV.

"'Kay thanks!" I said before running up the stairs to prepare for the storm.


I sat on the couch, watching Twenty One Jump Sreet when the first clash of thunder and lightning went through the sky. I smirked. I love thunder and lightining for some weird reason. As thunder raged on on, the signal to the TV cut off.

"What?!" I yelled to myself. A clash of thunder hit. Just then, I heard a small squeal. It was faint, but I had high hearing so I could hear it clear. Another clash, another squeal. I frowned. It was from upstairs, yet the only one here was.. Levy! I finally realized why she wanted Pantherlilly so badly. She needed something to comfort her.

I followed the sqeals upstairs and into a long hallway. After awhile of searching, I found her room. Seventh door on the left. I slowly opened the door with a loud creak. At first I couldn't see her, until I saw a heap in the corner. I walked closer, there sat levy curled up with Lilly in a red blanket. I smirked and walked over to her, pulling the blanket of her head. She had tears in her eyes and it was clear she was crying. Something about her crying made a small pain in my heart. I wiped her remaining tears.

"W-what do y-you want?" she tried to glare but another clash of thunder went through the room. She squealed and jumped on me. I fell on my back as she buried her face into my chest. I couldn't help but blush.

"S-shrimp.." I managed to say. She looked up at me, more tears in her eyes and a heavy blush. I sighed and stood up, Levy in my arms.

"Come on." I grumbled as I carried her down stairs. I sat her down on a chair and began to do something I hadn't done in years. I built a fort.

"What a-are you d-doing?" Levy hiccuped.

"What does it look like? I'm building a fort. I used to do it with my cousin when she was afraid of thunder." I said as I dragged a chair across the room and draped a blanket over it. After about fifteen minutes, my perfect fort was done. Levy giggle and crawled in. Just then, Lilly pranced down the steps and into the fort. I smirked and crawled in aswell. As the thunder storm raged on, me and Levy played games and played with Lilly.


I heard the front doors slowly oped. I smirked and motioned Levy to come over. I whispered something in her ear.

"We're home! Oh Levy I hated leaving alone in the middle of a storm.. Are you okay?" Levy's mom shouted. I signaled Levy and she smirked.

"FIRE!!" Levy shouted. We both stared to pelt her parents with the marshmallows we had gotten earlier. We laughed as we continued to throw them, laughing even more at the reaction of her mom who hid behind her husband for shelter. He had another idea though. He slid behind a wall, collecting the marshmallows on the floor and throwing them back.

After a long, enjoyable time of throwing marshmallows, Levy's mom shouted at us and told us to clean it up the wasted marshmallows. As we cleaned, I thew one at Levy. She threw it back which then resulted into a fight, which then got us in trouble. Again.

When we finished cleaning, we begand to watch a movie. I got sleepier and sleepier by each passing moment. After a while a felt a light weight on my side. I looked down to see Levy hugging my arm while she slept. I blushed before falling asleep myself. Goodnight, Levy.

A/N: I dicided to write some gale today. Hope you liked it!

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