Kidnapping, Getting Ready, And The Ball.

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Dress list:

Red- Lucy

Orange- Levy

Black- Erza

Full White- MiraJane

Purple/White- Lissanna

Blue- Juvia

Light Purple- Wendy

Dark Purple- Canna

Pink- Evergreen


Natsu and I dred this day. Friday, seems like the best day ever right? Not for us. Today was the day of the engagement party. We had invited everyone, too. I was glad only Levy and Gajeel really knew the point of the party, everyone else thought it was just a party. Natsu and I trudged through the halls all day, Levy and Gajeel discreetly teasing us.


"Luce?.. Do you really want tonight to happen?" Natsu asked, swinging our intertwined hands. I looked up at the sky, not a cloud in sight.

"I don't know.. I mean I want our friends to know the truth and everything but.. It won't just be the school that knows, our parents invited the press! As soon as they know, the whole world does as well!" I exclaimed, using large gestures. Natsu laughed and shook his head.

"Y'know Luce-" Natsu was cut off by someone pulling us apart.

"Fuck! Hey watch it!" Natsu yelled, gripping my hand. I returned the action.

"EEP! Natsu!" I squealed. They put a burlap bag over my head and I felt someone pick me up. The hands were narrow and thin. A girl's hands? I was snapped out my thoughts when I was thrown on a car's seat.

"Ouch! Shit!" I groaned.

"Sorry" a fimiliar feminine voice commented.

"Erza? What the hell!? Let me go!" I yelled and began to squirm.

"Stop squirming." Erza said sternly, I stopped and sighed. At least I wasn't actually kidnapped..

"Why the hell am I here?" I asked.

"We are goin' to make you BEAUTIFUL!" I can assume Mira said that.

"Levy?" I said dangerously low.

"Y-yeah?" she replied.

"How much did you tell them?" I asked.

"I-I told them that it tonight was really important to you and Natsu." she said. Good she didn't tell them about the engagement.

"That's right! And if it's important to team nalu, it's important to me!" Mira shouted.

"Nalu?" I asked.

"Yeah! It's a ship name! Kinda like Jerza- for Erza and Jellal. Or Gale- for Levy and Gajeel. And Gruvia- for Gray and Juvia. I started doing it as soon as I met you guys." as she explained, I could tell the others were blushing.


I sat with my back to the mirror. Mira and Juvia were doing my makeup while Erza and Levy were downstairs doing some thing. Canna and Lissanna stood behind me, doing my hair. We talked casually until a question I couldn't answer came up.

"So do you love Natsu?" Lissanna asked, she came around me and stared into my eyes. Everyone stopped and waited for my answer. I blushed.

"I don't know..I think I might, but then again.. He's an arrogant dumdass who can be a total jerk. Right now, I don't think I love him. I know I really, really like him. But I don't know about love just yet." I finished and looked at Lissanna, a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"It sounds like you've really thought about it.." Levy cut in, once again I blushed deeply. Levy and Erza stood at the door frame, Erza holding a dress.

"I-is that for me?" I asked, she nodded proudly.

"Your dad gave it to us." Levy said. Erza pushed into my hands and shoved me into the bathroom.

"Change! We only have three more hours!" Mira yelled, I sighed and looked at the dress. Pretty, I thought.


I had been kidnapped just so the guys could make me look 'presentable'. They had gone out and got me a costum made tux, too! I sighed.

"What time is it?" I asked, standing infront of the mirror with my tux on.

"Four thirty-seven." Gray answered, Lounging on my couch.

"Video games?"

"... Video games." all the guys responded. And with that, we waisted the remaining time we had left playing 'Call Of Duty' and 'Slender Man: The Arrival'.

___6:05 pm___

"Shit shit shit!" I yelled, racing downthe stairs. I knew the guys were right behind me.

"Why'd you let us play video games?! You knew we would do this!" Loke yelled, I rolled my eyes and jumped into my car. The sound of it humming to life was heard as I darted through the streets, doing my best to not be late.


The girls and I Waited downstairs in the ballroom, greeting guests as they came.

"The boys should be here, helping us." Erza growled, earning a hum of agreement from Levy and I. Young Wendy and Evergreen and had come with their parents and now stayed with us.

"Laxus said they're one their way. They lost track of time." Mira said. I smirked.

"Since when did you have Laxus's number?" I asked, snickering with Levy. Mira blushed and stuttered some inaudible reason. We laughed before hearing loud footsteps. I looked up to see a stampede of boys running torward us. I squealed and tried jump out of the way. I failed.

Natsu ran straight into me. We both fell to floor, Natsu on top. There was a loud crash, causing everyone to look at us.

"Hiya Luce!" Natsu gave me his signature grin. I blushed.

"Natsu.. People are looking.." I whispered. He looked up to see the entire room staring.

"Oh.. You're right." he looked back at me and gave me a kiss on the lips before jumping up. He quickly extended a hand, I took it. He pulled me up with ease and looked me up and down, blushing.

"You look beautiful.." he said, staring into my eyes.

"You're not to bad yourself." I smiled. By now, everyone had gone back to their own lives and we were free to actually talk.


Natsu and I danced and laughed and ate, almost forgetting the point of this 'party'. Key word almost. The sound of someone testing the microphone rang through the the ballroom.

"Testing, testing. Hello? Okay!" Mother and Grandeeney stood on the stage, large smiles on their faces.

"We've gathered you all here on this night to announce some thing very important!" mother cheered.

"We have decided to merdge our companies!" Grandeeney squeal. I sighed, they were so over dramatic.

"And what better way to do that than a marriage!"

"So my son, Natsu Dragneel, and Layla's daughter, Lucy Heartfilia, are getting married after they graduate!" Grandeeney yelled, earning cheers. (Mostly from the students of Fairy Tail High) A spot light shown on both me and Natsu, who were holding hands. I blushed.

"And now a dance, for the couple!" Layla said. A slow song began to play. Natsu twirled me and pulled me against him. We swayed in time of the music. I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Natsu asked, a small smirk on his face.

"Why? Because soon, the whole world will know that I'm yours!" I giggled, he blushed and kissed my forehead.

"Me too." he said, twirling me once more. We laughed.

Best. Night. Ever!

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2014 was complete satisfaction for you! Bye bye!

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