Tension? A Brothers' Quarrel.

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A/N: I know I haven't done many ships besides Nalu and Gale.. So here's some Jerza!


I walked down the empty street. I was only five o'clock, but this street always almost vacant. I sighed, the only thing I could think about was Lucy. She had done so much for me. She kept secrets for all of us girls, help us in our worst hour, cheered everyone on when it was to much to take. And now, there's almost nothing I can do for her. Sting and Natsu have decided to be her bodyguards. Sting said Dan was a bit of a stalker to Lucy. That's what scared me the most. I was planing to go to the Dojo to vent. I knew my mom and dad wouldn't mind, they knew I could take care of myself.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice the quiet foot steps coming closer. When I did, I slowed my pace, acting as if I was lost. I made sure to make look as if I didnt notice who ever was behind me. Their pace slowed as well. Their following me, I thought. Jellal and Mystogan tought me that. That was one of the first things I learned in self-devence.

I walked faster, I was almost to the Dojo. I bit my lip. I tried guessing the size of the person by their footsteps. I can take them, I thought, they don't sound so large. I took a deep breath, slowing down. When I was at the right pace, I turned on the ball of my left foot. Lifting my right leg, aiming for what I assumed was the head. I felt a harsh yet fimiliar hand on my ankle. I didn't have time to see his face- I was now sure it was a man- because he flung my ankle. I whirled around, once again in the direction as before. This time, in a headlock. I put one hand on his arm. I lifted my other arm and elbowed him straight in the stomach. He quickly let go and dropped on the ground. I smirked and began to walk away.

"Shit!" he moaned. I stopped dead in my tracks, my smirk wiping off my face, leaving a horrified look. Slowly, I turned around.

"You've certainly practiced with my brother while I was gone." Jellal groaned while getting up. I quickly run to aid him.

"Ofcorse I practiced! You didn't come visit or practice with me for two years!" I whined. He wheezed out a laughed. I smiled and we began to walk, him arm wrapped my shoulders so he wouldnt fall.

"There is a perfectly good reason for that." he said. I looked at him.

"And that reason is?" he blushed, I frowned.

"Tension" he mumbled. I flushed.

"W-what?!" Jellal looked at me as if he didn't understand.

"What do yo- Oh.. Oh GOD NO! Erza!" Jellal yelled. "My brother and I got into a fight before he left. Now even being in the same room strikes tension. But not THAT kind of tension! Erza you pervert!" Jellal cried. I laughed. Then something popped into my head.

"Wait. If you haven't gone to the Dojo because of that, then why are you following me when I told where I going before we left the school?" I asked, making him shrug.

"You give me confidence." he said bluntly, I bursted into a blush. He did aswell, Aston as he realized what he had said. After a couple minutes of silence, we reached the Dojo. We walked in, going through a small hallway to a room that was always reserved for me. (It used to be reserved for Jellal and I. But then that stupid fight happened)

"Erza? Is that you?" Mystogan called out.

"Yeah. Come out here, I have a suprise!" I yelled.

"Oh! Goodie I love Suprises!" he cried. I could hear him coming, small sounds of clancking of medals and armor were heard before his office door opened. A huge smile on his face.

"Where is it?" he asked enthusiastically.

"It's... Your brother!" I yelled, showing Jellal- who had hid behind me in fear. There was a moment of hesitation before Mystogan walked to Jellal silently, examining every part of him. He walked in a circle around him, then He took a stray hair and placed it gently in the right place. In one swift movement, he grabbed Jellal's arm and flipped him. He landed on the floor with a cringe-worthy bang. I gasp, Jellal rolled over.

"Am I going to be you guys' punching bag today?!" Jellal yelled in both pain and suprise. Mystogan squatted next to him.

"That can be arranged.." Mystogan said. "Why the hell are you here?" Mystogan growled.

"I came to say sorry!" Jellal said. Mystogan stood up.

"Sorry? It took you two damn years to say sorry?!" he cried. Jellal slowly stood up.

"It only took that long because I was originally waiting for to say sorry first!" Jellal argued. Thus a fight started. I stood there in shock. These two idiots were waiting two years for the other to say sorry?! What the hell is wrong with them?

I walked over to both of them and quickly grabbed both of their heads and crashed them together. A loud crack and an 'ouch' rang through the room. I smirked.

"Damn you're strong.." Jellal said, rubbing his forehead. I rolled my eyes.

"I tought you well." Mystogan said, a small smirk visible on his face, but ther was mostly pain. I began walking out.

"Let's just say you both said sorry. I'm gonna leave and let you two catch up.. See you guys tomorrow!" I said before reaching the door.

"Well if we're gonna catch up, let me tell you what Erza said a couple days ago!" Mystogan said cheerfully. I stooped dead in my tracks. I turned and ran to him, hitting him on the head- hard.

"Gomen! Gomen!" he cried.

"Aww! But I wanted to know!" Jellal whined. I rolled my eyes and began walking out again.

"Wait! I'll walk you home!" Jellal yelled, running after me. I giggled.


Mystogan said he would text me what Erza had said. Until then, I was to walk her home. We walked down the vacant rode.


My phone rang out in the silence. A text.


She likes you. You like her.. Ask her out!! <3

I smirked. I knew she liked me! Why do you think I always flirt with her?

within five minutes, we were at her house. She twirled on the ball of her foot, her hair moving with her. It made it look like she was from a dream or a movie. Her smile was sweet and intoxicating.

"Goodbye Jellal!" she sang. I quickly grabbed her hand. She frowned, causing wrinkles to form.

"Something wrong?" she asked, I shook my head. Say it, I thought, six words. Say them!

"Will you go out me?" the words came pouring out of my mouth. Oops.. She blushed but slowly nodded. My heart swelled. I smiled and kissed her, square on the lips. I pulled away quickly and began to walk away.

"Bye Erza. See you tomorrow!" I called out to her.

A/N: I just wanna say thanks for all the reads!! Oh. My. Goodness. 138 reads! Thanks so much!<3 bye!

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