Unexpected Hatred and Friendships

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Today is my first day at the academy, I am nervous as well as excited. Despite having almost no sleep at the night I jump out of the bed at 5 am as I don’t want to be late, atleast not on the first day. I have come here, this far leaving my career behind for a reason, to make my late mother proud of me. While she was alive I might have been a brat because I was never interested in serving in army hospitals and follow the path she wanted me to follow... I wanted to be a doctor in my father's hospital because the sportsmen that came there were usally rich. Yes, I was materialistic and money minded but now as she has left, I realise the worth of her words. This is the reason I decided to apply for this programme was that it will make me capable of applying as a psychiatrist in army hospitals.

All I know about this programme that it was started 5 years ago but scrapped off after one session only, due to some reasons which have been kept non-public. We have also been made to sign a contract that any information and knowledge we gain during the programme about the programme, academy, trainers, ammunitions etc.. will be kept confidential. Due to such reasons even, our phones have been seized and we cannot contact anyone except people in our emergency contact records and such calls will always be recorded.

When I am completely ready, I glance at the small clock I have kept on my side table and it flashes 6:05 am.

Craaaaaapppppp!!!!!!!! First day at the academy and my efforts of waking up early have already gone in vain.. I am late. I run to the ground only to see none of the trainers present only cadets. After waiting for some time which seems like a whole hour the trainers arrive, special agent Karan Shergill in the centre, who apparently ran in the middle … no beginning of my introduction actually. It was Batra Sir the head of the academy who then asked me to go ahead with the introduction and gave out a public apology explaining arrival of an emergency situation and later even apologised personally. Following him are Special agents Siddharth and Sanjana. While Karan seems to have a rude personality, the other two seem a little friendly.

“Good Morning everyone, seems like you all were waiting for us??” Karan starts speaking.

“Yes Sir” we cadets announce in unison.

“How much time do you guys feel you have waited..??” Siddharth questions us.. and when none of us replies he repeats his question and points out at one person standing in the front row..

“45 minutes” the person says and so on everyone is asked about the waiting time we feel and though it felt like an hour to me I answer 20 minutes calculating somethings which even I don’t know why came into my mind.

“You all have been waiting for almost 15 minutes, though some of you were late you have waited for less.” Sid answers us our wait time after all the cadets have answered.

“Tum sab soch rahe hoge ki first day aur trainers late. People who are meant to teach us discipline wahi late hain.. so to a surprise for all of you the alarm clocks in which you set your alarms a night before are 15 minutes ahead.. a small trick as a welcome gift for you all in the academy.” Sanjana informs us. Everyone is shocked by the fact and all the sleepiness in our eyes has worn off.

“We didn’t want anyone of you to be late on the first day” Siddharth gives a sly smile as he speaks.

“You all must have read the brochure and timetable provided to you by the academy yesterday” Karan interferes Siddharth.

“Yes” all of us shout in unison this was the first thing I did after I retired to my room yesterday.

“From tomorrow I want everyone here by 0600 hours sharp or else they will be facing punishment and if this is repeated more than twice a week then the person can be suspended temporarily or rusticated permanently from the academy. Women are provided with two period leaves every month and we have a gynaecology department inside the academy where you can visit without hesitation because due to changes in your routine, strenuous activity your cycles are going to get disturbed. Otherwise, you are allowed two leaves per month that too on medical certificate provided after check up by academy doctors. You at any time are not allowed to leave the academy premises though your emergency contacts can meet you. Now moving on to the alarm clocks, they can be set after matching with the main reception clock and you people can keep wearing your chronological watches and rest can order them online if they find it necessary. Jewellery and watches are not allowed on the ground. You must carry your academy cards at all times.” Karan finally finishes.

“Let us start with running 5 rounds since is your first day” Sanjana says and all the trainers start running along with us.

After some jumping jacks, skipping, twisting and some other exercises though basic I am panting. My physically drained body is excited to have breakfast and I excitedly enter the dining hall only to find fruit salad and smoothies available as breakfast items. Disappointed with the breakfast and the fact I can do nothing about it I collect mine and turn only to crash into a gigantic body. I look up and find Karan standing up there. I notice how he is trying to hold back, the tension in his body I sense it all .. perks of being a psychiatrist I think.. I take my step back and grab a table without uttering a word nor does he speak anything. I am glad, relieved and also guilty about not saying sorry.
Thankfully I neither spiled or dropped my breakfast a thought crosses my mind. Bygones are bygones I tell myself taking a sip of smoothie and almost spitting out because it didn’t contain any sugar or honey. Time to eat healthy I explain myself taking a bite of the fruit.

Post breakfast I attended strategy class and an introduction was given and importance of trust among our peers was explained. Later we performed a trust building activity where a person guided the other amongst hurdles. It was not an easy task at all. Later, since on the lieu of first day our evening training was cancelled, hence we decided to hold an introduction session for everybody.

Everyone was seated in a circle and they started to tell about themselves, their hometown, reason behind coming here, family etc.. I also presented myself to them. As the time passed, we all didn’t realise when the clock struck 8:00 pm, one hour past our dinner timing. Suddenly Karan comes and wrath can be clearly seen on his face.. “I thought you all didn’t want to have dinner so the dinner has been closed. I hope you all will be back to your beds before lights out and on time on the ground in the morning.”

Going empty stomach to bed my stomach growls at this thought… but it was our fault that we didn’t go according to schedule hence, we all accepted our punishments with bowed heads having no choice ahead of us….

“Sorry Karan” I stand up addressing him..

“I thought I am your trainer; usage of sir would be appreciated for all the agents and special agents from all of you. Thank you” Karan interjects before I could complete my sentence…

“Sor…” before I can complete my sentence once again he just turns and leaves… like seriously this was so annoying… but I take a deep breath calming down explaining myself he was just angry because we broke the discipline…

An hour of turning and twisting on bed I still can’t fall asleep, so I decide to have some water to deceive my brain. After walking a few steps, I bump into a huge frame, Karan Shergill, the man who was at least 5% responsible for me going to bed empty stomach.

“Sorry” I immediately speak up…

“Why are you not in your room..?? Any specific reason for loitering around here at this hour..??” he questions me in a stern voice which takes me aback for a minute..

“I just came out to drink water..”

“I thought that was provided in the rooms…”

“Yes… but mine emptied so I had to come out… would you mind guiding me to the water cooler.”

I notice him sucking a sharp breath before he answers me “Sure..”

I politely smile to him but don’t expect him to return it... and of course I didn’t get it… I follow him to the water cooler…

“Thank you” I smile at him again.

“I hope you will return to your room without getting lost..”

“Hopefully yesss!!” I shrug my shoulders… I seem to notice that he wants to speak something but holds himself tight lipped… and finally speaks after a long pause…

“For no fault of yours I hate you…” Before I could process his words, I find him blurring out of my site.

Without  trying to stop him I just walk back to my room to words making no sense… I might have made a lot of friends today but I also received unexpected hate and I am not sure why… should I try to find the reason or leave it just like it is…


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